Barreras burocráticas carentes de razonabilidad y su inaplicación de efectos generales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Estado al ser un estado garante, cuenta con el deber u obligación de
garantizar el goce absoluto de los derechos fundamentales; no obstante, para
el presente trabajo, el derecho importante es el de la libertad de empresa. Una
de las formas para salvaguardar el derecho de todos los ciudadanos para el
acceso, permanencia y salida en el mercado, es la eliminación de la figura de
las Barreras Burocráticas. La regulación respecto a las barreras burocráticas la
vamos a encontrar en el Decreto Legislativo N° 1256; sin embargo, el tema
central que se va a abordar es lo regulado respecto a las barreras burocráticas
que sean carentes de razonabilidad, pues estas ante su declaración como tal,
van a ser inaplicadas con efectos al caso concreto, lo cual no sucede en las
barreras burocráticas ilegales, que su inaplicación es con efectos generales, lo
cual no encuentra sustento de dicha diferencia.
The guarantor state has the obligation or duty to ensure the absolute enjoyment of all fundamental rights; nevertheless, for the purposes of this work, the most important right is freedom of enterprise. A ways to safeguard the right of people to market access and the stay in the economy or market is the elimination of bureaucratics barriers. The regulation regarding bureaucratic barriers is to be found in Legislative Decree No. 1256; however, the central issue to be addressed is the regulation regarding bureaucratic barriers lacking reasonableness, since such barriers, when declared as such, will be inapplied with effects to the specific case, which doesn´t happen in illegal bureaucratic barriers, whose inapplication is with general effects, which is not supported by such difference.
The guarantor state has the obligation or duty to ensure the absolute enjoyment of all fundamental rights; nevertheless, for the purposes of this work, the most important right is freedom of enterprise. A ways to safeguard the right of people to market access and the stay in the economy or market is the elimination of bureaucratics barriers. The regulation regarding bureaucratic barriers is to be found in Legislative Decree No. 1256; however, the central issue to be addressed is the regulation regarding bureaucratic barriers lacking reasonableness, since such barriers, when declared as such, will be inapplied with effects to the specific case, which doesn´t happen in illegal bureaucratic barriers, whose inapplication is with general effects, which is not supported by such difference.
Libertad de empresa, Burocracia, Procedimiento administrativo--Perú, Economía social de mercado
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