Análisis de los cuestionamientos actuales al arbitraje Breve explicación de cómo las reglas IBA pueden ser herramientas para dar mayor transparencia al sistema
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Se observa en el Perú un incremento sostenido del número de arbitrajes en
contrataciones con el Estado, por lo que es cada vez más trascendente el interés público
que subyace en ello. Por ende, las disputas del arbitraje se tratan bajo el escrutinio de la
sociedad en general y lamentablemente, casos como el de Orellana e investigaciones
como las realizadas a raíz de Lava Jato han puesto en materia de discusión la
transparencia del arbitraje.
Por ello, el objetivo de este artículo es contribuir un poco más al entendimiento de la
realidad arbitral de modo que se hagan más observables ciertas realidades del arbitraje
peruano y se identifiquen preliminarmente algunos aspectos susceptibles de mejora
como son las designaciones de los árbitros y el deber de revelación. También, se plantea
una propuesta primigenia de marco normativo usando como base las reglas del
International Bar Association (en adelante IBA) y teniendo en consideración
características propias de nuestro contexto.
Cabe mencionarse que esta investigación es en su mayoría de metodología dogmática,
ya que usa normativa, doctrina y jurisprudencia para fundamentar el razonamiento. Sin
también se presentan cifras y datos obtenidos de estudios e informes jurídicos para dar
solidez a la argumentación. Una de las conclusiones principales es que dada la existencia
de materias especializadas con pocos profesionales en dichos campos y de un creciente
número de arbitrajes los parámetros numéricos de las IBA deben ser modificados para
que puedan ser herramientas idóneas para nuestro sistema jurídico.
A sustained increase in the number of arbitrations in contracting with the State is observed in Peru, so the public interest underlying this is becoming more transcendent. Therefore, arbitration disputes are dealt with under the scrutiny of society in general and, unfortunately, cases such as the Orellana case and investigations such as those carried out as a result of Lava Jato case have put the transparency of arbitration under discussion. Therefore, the objective of this article is to contribute a little more to the understanding of the arbitration reality in such a way that certain realities of Peruvian arbitration become more observable and some aspects susceptible to improvement are preliminarily identified, such as the appointments of the arbitrators and duty of disclosure . Also, an original proposal o normative framework was made using as a basis the rules of the International Bar Association (hereinafter IBA) and taking into account characteristics of our context. It should be noted that this research is mostly dogmatic methodology, since it uses legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence to support the reasoning. Also, figures and data obtained from legal studies and reports are also presented to give strength to the argument. One of the main conclusions is that considering the existence of specialized subjects with few professionals in these fields and a growing number of arbitrations, the numerical parameters of the IBA must be modified so that they can be suitable tools for our legal system.
A sustained increase in the number of arbitrations in contracting with the State is observed in Peru, so the public interest underlying this is becoming more transcendent. Therefore, arbitration disputes are dealt with under the scrutiny of society in general and, unfortunately, cases such as the Orellana case and investigations such as those carried out as a result of Lava Jato case have put the transparency of arbitration under discussion. Therefore, the objective of this article is to contribute a little more to the understanding of the arbitration reality in such a way that certain realities of Peruvian arbitration become more observable and some aspects susceptible to improvement are preliminarily identified, such as the appointments of the arbitrators and duty of disclosure . Also, an original proposal o normative framework was made using as a basis the rules of the International Bar Association (hereinafter IBA) and taking into account characteristics of our context. It should be noted that this research is mostly dogmatic methodology, since it uses legislation, doctrine and jurisprudence to support the reasoning. Also, figures and data obtained from legal studies and reports are also presented to give strength to the argument. One of the main conclusions is that considering the existence of specialized subjects with few professionals in these fields and a growing number of arbitrations, the numerical parameters of the IBA must be modified so that they can be suitable tools for our legal system.
Arbitraje--Legislación--Perú, Contratos administrativos--Legislación--Perú, International Bar Association--Reglamentos
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