Estudio de caso de una niña de 11 años con dificultad en los procesos léxicos y sintácticos de la lectura y léxicos ortográfico de la escritura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La lectura y escritura son herramientas importantes para adquirir cualquier tipo de aprendizaje y garantizar
la adquisición adecuada de la lectoescritura es el compromiso de los profesionales relacionados con la
educación. El caso refiere a una niña de 11 años que cursa el sexto grado de primaria, presenta lectura y
escritura imprecisas. El objetivo del presente trabajo es diseñar una valoración e intervención acorde con
las dificultades del caso. Los resultados del proceso de intervención en la lectura demostraron que al
trabajar el proceso léxico a través de las rutas visual y fonológica con tareas de análisis y síntesis mejora
la precisión y fluidez de la lectura de palabras, logrando la automatización de las reglas de conversión
grafema – fonema (RCGF), permitiendo que la niña acceda al significado de la palabra cuando lee. La
intervención en el proceso sintáctico de la escritura, en el componente de signos de puntuación, permite un
mejor desempeño en la precisión de la entonación al leer. Al desarrollar la ortografía fonética del proceso
léxico ortográfico, con las mismas palabras de la lectura, logra desarrollar una escritura más precisa al tener
mayor dominio en la conversión fonema – grafema. En conclusión, el plan de intervención aplicado permitió
a la niña mostrar avances en los procesos léxicos de la lectura y léxicos ortográficos de la escritura, así
como en los procesos sintácticos.
Reading and writing are important tools to acquire any type of learning and ensuring the adequate acquisition of literacy is the commitment of professionals related to education. The case refers to an 11- year-old girl who is in the sixth grade of primary school, presents inaccurate reading and writing. The objective of this work is to design an assessment and intervention according to the difficulties of the case. The results of the intervention process in reading showed that by working the lexical process through the visual and phonological routes with analysis and synthesis tasks, the precision and fluency of word reading improves, achieving the automation of the grapheme conversion rules. - phoneme (RCGF), allowing the girl to access the meaning of the word when reading. The intervention in the syntactic process of writing, in the component of punctuation marks, allows a better performance in the precision of intonation when reading. By developing the phonetic orthography of the orthographic lexical process, with the same words of the reading, he manages to develop a more precise writing by having greater mastery in the phonemegrapheme conversion. In conclusion, the intervention plan applied allowed the girl to show progress in the lexical processes of reading and orthographic lexics of writing, as well as in the syntactic processes.
Reading and writing are important tools to acquire any type of learning and ensuring the adequate acquisition of literacy is the commitment of professionals related to education. The case refers to an 11- year-old girl who is in the sixth grade of primary school, presents inaccurate reading and writing. The objective of this work is to design an assessment and intervention according to the difficulties of the case. The results of the intervention process in reading showed that by working the lexical process through the visual and phonological routes with analysis and synthesis tasks, the precision and fluency of word reading improves, achieving the automation of the grapheme conversion rules. - phoneme (RCGF), allowing the girl to access the meaning of the word when reading. The intervention in the syntactic process of writing, in the component of punctuation marks, allows a better performance in the precision of intonation when reading. By developing the phonetic orthography of the orthographic lexical process, with the same words of the reading, he manages to develop a more precise writing by having greater mastery in the phonemegrapheme conversion. In conclusion, the intervention plan applied allowed the girl to show progress in the lexical processes of reading and orthographic lexics of writing, as well as in the syntactic processes.
Niños con problemas de aprendizaje-- Estudio de casos, Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Escritura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria)