Análisis crítico y comparado de la regulación de las concentraciones de mercado en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano y sus consecuencias prácticas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Partiendo de la permisibilidad de las concentraciones empresariales en el marco
normativo peruano, la presente investigación se centra en realizar un análisis crítico de
la regulación, histórica y actual, de las concentraciones empresariales y el impacto que
ha tenido en la economía y el ordenamiento jurídico peruano. Sin limitarse al antecedente
regulatorio, la investigación también evalúa el reciente Decreto de Urgencia 013-2019,
Decreto de Urgencia que establece el control previo de operaciones de concentración
empresarial, particularmente desde una perspectiva comparativa, a efectos de hacer
hincapié en las posibles deficiencias regulatorias que existen respecto este tema. Por lo
tanto, el objetivo de la investigación es cuestionar y evaluar la falta de regulación
histórica, en conjunto con la reciente regulación, que han permitido la generación de
concentraciones empresariales a gran escala. En ese sentido, plantea un número de
ejemplos prácticos, tales como la concentración empresarial existente en la industria
cervecera y en el sistema previsional, los cuales analiza a través de indicadores
económicos. La investigación sustenta sus argumentos en diversas fuentes, pero
particularmente en las normativas, ambas nacionales e internacionales, las opiniones
jurídicas y doctrinarias, la jurisprudencia y los indicadores de índole económica. Lo
anterior en tanto la concentración empresarial es un tema complejo que solo puede ser
adecuadamente explicado a través de un enfoque interdisciplinario. Todo lo anterior lleva
a la conclusión de que evidentemente, el mercado peruano ha sido uno históricamente
dotado con libre competencia y sin interferencia administrativa, lo que ha permitido
grandes conglomeraciones empresariales que hoy en día representan porcentajes
elevados de concentración del mercado, al punto de consolidaciones de monopolios y
oligopolios que afectaran, actualmente y a futuro, a los consumidores y el rumbo del
desarrollo económico, sobre todo el crecimiento de las pequeñas y medianas empresas
del país.
Given the permissibility of corporate concentrations in the Peruvian legal framework, this research paper focuses providing a critical analysis of the historical and current regulation of corporate concentrations and the impact it has had on the Peruvian economy and legal system. Without limiting itself to analyzing the previous regulations, this research also delves into the recent Emergency Decree 013-2019, which establishes previous control of corporate concentration operations, particularly from a comparative perspective so as to highlight possible regulatory deficiencies in this area. Therefore, the objective of this research is to question and evaluate the historical lack of regulation, together with the recent regulation, which has allowed for large-scale corporate concentrations. In this regard, it raises a number of practical examples, such as the existing corporate concentrations in the beer industry and the pension system, which it analyzes through economic indicators. The research bases its arguments on diverse sources, but particularly on regulations, both national and international, legal and doctrinal opinions, case-law and economic indicators. The foregoing insofar as corporate concentrations are a complex issue that can only be adequately explained through an interdisciplinary approach. All of the above leads to the conclusion that the Peruvian market has historically had free competition without administrative interference, which has allowed large corporate conglomerations that represent highly concentrated percentages of today’s market, to the point of consolidation of monopolies and oligopolies that will affect, currently and in the future, consumers and the development of the economy, especially the growth of the country's small and medium businesses.
Given the permissibility of corporate concentrations in the Peruvian legal framework, this research paper focuses providing a critical analysis of the historical and current regulation of corporate concentrations and the impact it has had on the Peruvian economy and legal system. Without limiting itself to analyzing the previous regulations, this research also delves into the recent Emergency Decree 013-2019, which establishes previous control of corporate concentration operations, particularly from a comparative perspective so as to highlight possible regulatory deficiencies in this area. Therefore, the objective of this research is to question and evaluate the historical lack of regulation, together with the recent regulation, which has allowed for large-scale corporate concentrations. In this regard, it raises a number of practical examples, such as the existing corporate concentrations in the beer industry and the pension system, which it analyzes through economic indicators. The research bases its arguments on diverse sources, but particularly on regulations, both national and international, legal and doctrinal opinions, case-law and economic indicators. The foregoing insofar as corporate concentrations are a complex issue that can only be adequately explained through an interdisciplinary approach. All of the above leads to the conclusion that the Peruvian market has historically had free competition without administrative interference, which has allowed large corporate conglomerations that represent highly concentrated percentages of today’s market, to the point of consolidation of monopolies and oligopolies that will affect, currently and in the future, consumers and the development of the economy, especially the growth of the country's small and medium businesses.
Pequeñas y medianas empresas--Legislación--Perú, Perú--Legislación, Empresas--Regulación--Perú
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