Propuesta estratégica: Lanzamiento de yogurt innovador para la empresa Molitalia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente trabajo recopila la investigación de mercado, desarrollo de branding y
propuesta de campaña desarrollada para una marca en la categoría de yogures. El estudio
responde al pedido de la empresa Molitalia por proponer una narrativa de marca con un
posicionamiento innovador, coherente y sólido bajo la marca Costa. Para ello, desarrolla
una investigación previa a partir de fuentes primarias y secundarias para conocer la
situación del mercado del yogurt liderado por marcas como Gloria y Laive. Asimismo,
aplica herramientas cuantitativas y cualitativas para la recolección de hallazgos que
sustentan la elección de un público demográficamente millenial que ha crecido
consumiendo yogures con toppings como el Battimix. En esa línea, la investigación
profundiza y se inspira en el concepto de los Kidults o kidultescentes como un segmento
rentable y en crecimiento a nivel local y mundial. Como resultado, la propuesta de marca
YoFrik y su respectiva campaña publicitaria se basan en el concepto de “la diversión de
escoger con libertad”, una propuesta juvenil, disruptiva y diferente a las opciones
tradicionales dentro del mercado del yogurt.
The current investigation embraces the market research, branding development and campaign proposal for a brand in the yogurt market. As a request of Molitalia, this study proposes a brand narrative aligned with an innovative, coherent, and solid brand positioning under the Costa brand. In order to do that, a primary and secondary sources investigation of the yogurt market is carried out. Likewise, quantitative and qualitative research tools are applied to collect findings that support the choice of a demographically millennial audience that has grown up consuming topping yogurts such as Battimix. Moreover, as an inspiration for the behavioral characteristics of our market target, this investigation deepens the concept of the Kidults as a profitable growing segment in Peru and around the world. As a result, the proposed brand YoFrik and its advertising campaign are created based on the concept of “the enjoyment to choose freely”, a youthful, disruptive and different yogurt brand.
The current investigation embraces the market research, branding development and campaign proposal for a brand in the yogurt market. As a request of Molitalia, this study proposes a brand narrative aligned with an innovative, coherent, and solid brand positioning under the Costa brand. In order to do that, a primary and secondary sources investigation of the yogurt market is carried out. Likewise, quantitative and qualitative research tools are applied to collect findings that support the choice of a demographically millennial audience that has grown up consuming topping yogurts such as Battimix. Moreover, as an inspiration for the behavioral characteristics of our market target, this investigation deepens the concept of the Kidults as a profitable growing segment in Peru and around the world. As a result, the proposed brand YoFrik and its advertising campaign are created based on the concept of “the enjoyment to choose freely”, a youthful, disruptive and different yogurt brand.
Campañas publicitarias, Mercadeo, Marcas de fábrica, Productos lácteos--Comercialización
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