El packaging como generador de conciencia ecológica para incentivar el consumo de bio-cosméticos La Libélula dentro del Mercado Saludable de la Molina en Lima, Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La conciencia ecológica peruana es deficiente en cuanto al consumo de productos
bio-cosméticos debido a la falta de concientización y educación acerca del beneficio
que estos brindan, no únicamente hacia uno mismo sino hacia el medio ambiente por
el impacto de sus contenidos. De este modo, tomando como caso de estudio la marca
La Libélula, se buscó una solución a través del packaging eco-amigable, que incentive
un mayor consumo mediante un empaque de regalo y concientice a través de la
información gráfica de este además de ser consecuente con el discurso de la marca
en cuanto a material y uso. Así mismo, el campo de estudio fue el mercado saludable
de la Molina, donde es un punto de venta importante de la marca, y donde se puede
estudiar y observar el comportamiento de los consumidores. Por lo mismo, para esta
investigación se usó el método de doble diamante. Además, se realizaron entrevistas
y observaciones para definir la problemática, posteriormente se realizó el empaque
respondiendo a esta y su contexto, y finalmente se validó la hipótesis con los usuarios
(compradores y vendedores) mediante entrevistas con el empaque en mano, la cual
resultó en que el packaging es una solución efectiva al problema de falta de
información y conciencia ecológica usando materiales que refuercen este mensaje.
Peruvian ecological awareness is deficient in the consumption of bio-cosmetic products due to the lack of awareness and education about the benefit they provide, not only towards oneself but towards the environment due to the impact of its contents and ingredients. In this way, taking La Libélula brand as a case study, a solution was sought through eco-friendly packaging, which encourages greater consumption through a gift package and raises awareness through its graphic information as well as being consistent with the discourse of the brand in terms of material and use towards the environment. Likewise, the field of study was the healthy market of La Molina, for it is an important selling point of the brand, and where you can study and observe the behavior of consumers. For this reason, the double diamond method was used for this investigation. In addition, interviews and observations were conducted to define the problem, the packaging was subsequently carried out responding to this and its context, and finally the hypothesis was validated with users (buyers and sellers) through interviews with the packaging in hand, which resulted in the packaging being an effective solution to the problem of lack of information and ecological awareness using materials that reinforce this message.
Peruvian ecological awareness is deficient in the consumption of bio-cosmetic products due to the lack of awareness and education about the benefit they provide, not only towards oneself but towards the environment due to the impact of its contents and ingredients. In this way, taking La Libélula brand as a case study, a solution was sought through eco-friendly packaging, which encourages greater consumption through a gift package and raises awareness through its graphic information as well as being consistent with the discourse of the brand in terms of material and use towards the environment. Likewise, the field of study was the healthy market of La Molina, for it is an important selling point of the brand, and where you can study and observe the behavior of consumers. For this reason, the double diamond method was used for this investigation. In addition, interviews and observations were conducted to define the problem, the packaging was subsequently carried out responding to this and its context, and finally the hypothesis was validated with users (buyers and sellers) through interviews with the packaging in hand, which resulted in the packaging being an effective solution to the problem of lack of information and ecological awareness using materials that reinforce this message.
Ecología--Perú--La Molina (Lima : Distrito), Cosméticos--Industria y comercio--Perú--La Molina (Lima : Distrito), Diseño gráfico--Investigaciones
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