Cortometraje de ficción: “Si estuviésemos solas”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
“Si estuviésemos solas” es un cortometraje de ficción del género drama/romance que
retrata una historia entre dos jóvenes mujeres que se conocen en una fiesta y en el
transcurso de la noche establecen cierta conexión romántica, pero se ven
imposibilitadas de dar un paso más allá debido a sus situaciones sentimentales con
sus parejas actuales. Este cortometraje surge a partir de la motivación de los
directores por visibilizar a la comunidad LGBTIQA+ y de representar sus vínculos, al
expresar sus sentimientos a partir del lenguaje corporal y el diálogo. Además, expone
y cuestiona temas específicos como las relaciones amorosas, y los conceptos del
amor e infidelidad, para lo cual se busca generar una reflexión.
A través de la historia contada, se busca darle una interpretación adecuada a las
relaciones interpersonales dentro de esta comunidad poco visibilizada. Por otro lado,
en el presente trabajo, se realiza un desglose por áreas donde exponemos nuestras
propuestas de dirección general, dirección de fotografía, dirección de arte, sonido,
musicalización, producción y edición, dentro de la preproducción, producción y
postproducción del cortometraje. De ese modo, se buscó representar
audiovisualmente una historia verídica para un público joven desde nuestra
perspectiva, de manera que rememoremos experiencias en nuestros espectadores.
“If we were alone” is a fiction short film of the drama/romance genre that portrays a story between two young women who meet at a party and establish a certain romantic connection during the night, but they are unable to go one step further due to their relationship status with their current partners. This short film arises from the directors' motivation to make the LGBTIQA+ community visible and to represent their ties by expressing their feelings through body language and dialogue. In addition, it exposes and questions specific topics such as romantic relationships, and the concepts of love and infidelity, from which it seeks to create thought. Through the story told, we seeked to give an adequate interpretation to interpersonal relationships within this community that lacks visibility. On the other hand, in this paper, a breakdown is made by areas where we expose our proposals for general direction, photography direction, art direction, sound, musicalization, production and editing, within the pre-production, production and post-production of the short film. Thus, we sought to audiovisually represent a story that was veridical for a young audience from our perspective, so that we would recall experiences from our viewers.
“If we were alone” is a fiction short film of the drama/romance genre that portrays a story between two young women who meet at a party and establish a certain romantic connection during the night, but they are unable to go one step further due to their relationship status with their current partners. This short film arises from the directors' motivation to make the LGBTIQA+ community visible and to represent their ties by expressing their feelings through body language and dialogue. In addition, it exposes and questions specific topics such as romantic relationships, and the concepts of love and infidelity, from which it seeks to create thought. Through the story told, we seeked to give an adequate interpretation to interpersonal relationships within this community that lacks visibility. On the other hand, in this paper, a breakdown is made by areas where we expose our proposals for general direction, photography direction, art direction, sound, musicalization, production and editing, within the pre-production, production and post-production of the short film. Thus, we sought to audiovisually represent a story that was veridical for a young audience from our perspective, so that we would recall experiences from our viewers.
Drama, Cortometrajes--Producción y dirección, Minorías sexuales, Cortometrajes peruanos
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