Un proceso de psicoterapia psicoanalítica breve desde una mirada winnicottiana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo académico tiene como objetivo el análisis de un proceso de psicoterapia
psicoanalítica breve a la luz de la revisión de la teoría y técnica planteada por el autor Donald
Winnicott, así como la comprensión y evaluación psicodiagnóstica del consultante. Para el
desarrollo de este objetivo, se utilizó como material clínico 25 de las 32 sesiones planeadas, las
cuales forman parte del proceso psicoterapéutico del paciente denominado Palau (19 años). El
análisis de este material permite evidenciar, a nivel teórico, la importancia del ambiente en el
desarrollo socio-emocional. Asimismo, a nivel de técnica, se identifican las intervenciones que
resultan de utilidad para promover, a partir del vínculo establecido entre paciente y terapeuta, el
desarrollo de esta capacidad socio-emocional.
The objective of this academic work is to analyze a brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy process in light of the revision of the theory and technique proposed by the author Donald Winnicott, as well as to understand and provide a psychodiagnostic evaluation of the client. For the development of this objective, we used as clinical material 25 of the 32 sessions planned as part of the short-term psychotherapeutic process of the patient named Palau (19 years). The analysis of this material allows to demonstrate, at a theoretical level, the importance of the environment in socio-emotional development and the need for accompaniment in the gradual transition to delimiting a unit of experience. Likewise, at the technical level, we have identified the interventions that are useful to promote, from the bond established between patient and therapist, the development of this socioemotional capacity.
The objective of this academic work is to analyze a brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy process in light of the revision of the theory and technique proposed by the author Donald Winnicott, as well as to understand and provide a psychodiagnostic evaluation of the client. For the development of this objective, we used as clinical material 25 of the 32 sessions planned as part of the short-term psychotherapeutic process of the patient named Palau (19 years). The analysis of this material allows to demonstrate, at a theoretical level, the importance of the environment in socio-emotional development and the need for accompaniment in the gradual transition to delimiting a unit of experience. Likewise, at the technical level, we have identified the interventions that are useful to promote, from the bond established between patient and therapist, the development of this socioemotional capacity.
Winnicott, D. W. (Donald Woods), 1896-1971, Psicoanálisis, Psicoterapia