Estudio de caso de un niño de 3 años, 6 meses con retraso de lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El lenguaje es la base de la comunicación de todo ser humano, su desarrollo es el resultado de la interacción
entre las bases biológicas y el entorno físico y social que rodea al niño, sin embargo, es frecuente encontrar a
niños en edad escolar que presentan una descomposición lingüística, lo que no les permite un adecuado
desenvolvimiento social y escolar. El objetivo del presente estudio es diseñar un plan de evaluación e
intervención acorde a las necesidades que presenta un niño de 3 años 6 meses con un retraso de lenguaje. El
retraso de lenguaje hace referencia a un desfase cronológico en los aspectos del lenguaje, fonético fonológico,
morfosintáctico, léxico y organización del discurso, no presentándose alteración evidente en la capacidad
mental, sensorial, motora o relacional, siendo la característica fundamental el retraso en el lenguaje productivo,
con una aparente buena comprensión. Se sigue el modelo de terapia de intervención del medio (modelo
hibrido), el cual recoge algunas de las técnicas de tradición conductista e intentan integrarlas con los
procedimientos del interaccionismo social. Los resultados evidencian un incremento del vocabulario expresivo
y comprensivo referido a las categorías programadas, desarrollo de sus habilidades de comprensión a partir
del entendimiento de preguntas como ¿Dónde? de manera verbal, comprensión instrucciones simples de una
acción, dos objetos y una localización y elaboración de oraciones del tipo “Sujeto + Verbo+ Complemento”. Se
concluye que el plan de intervención aplicado permitió al niño mostrar avances en los componentes léxico
semántico y morfosintáctico, al lograr incrementar su vocabulario comprensivo y expresivo, desarrollar sus
habilidades de comprensión a partir del entendimiento de preguntas, desarrollar la comprensión de
instrucciones simples y mejorar la organización de oraciones simples para comunicarse con más precisión.
Language is the basis of communication of every human being, its development is the result of the interaction between the biological bases and the physical and social environment that surrounds the child, however, it is common to find school-age children who present a linguistic decomposition, which does not allow them an adequate social and school development. The objective of this study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the needs of a 3-year-6-month-old child with a language delay. Language delay refers to a chronological lag in the aspects of language, phonetic, phonological, morphosyntactic, lexical and organization of discourse, with no obvious alteration in mental, sensory, motor or relational capacity, the fundamental characteristic being delay in speech. productive language, with apparent good understanding. The model of intervention therapy of the environment (hybrid model) is followed, which collects some of the behavioral tradition techniques and attempts to integrate them with the procedures of social interactionism. The results show an increase in the expressive and comprehensive vocabulary referred to the programmed categories, development of their comprehension skills from the understanding of questions such as Where? verbally, comprehension simple instructions of an action, two objects and a location and elaboration of sentences of the type “Subject + Verb + Complement”. It is concluded that the applied intervention plan allowed the child to show progress in the lexical, semantic and morphosyntactic components, by increasing their comprehension and expressive vocabulary, developing their comprehension skills from the understanding of questions, developing the understanding of simple instructions and improving organizing simple sentences to communicate more precisely.
Language is the basis of communication of every human being, its development is the result of the interaction between the biological bases and the physical and social environment that surrounds the child, however, it is common to find school-age children who present a linguistic decomposition, which does not allow them an adequate social and school development. The objective of this study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the needs of a 3-year-6-month-old child with a language delay. Language delay refers to a chronological lag in the aspects of language, phonetic, phonological, morphosyntactic, lexical and organization of discourse, with no obvious alteration in mental, sensory, motor or relational capacity, the fundamental characteristic being delay in speech. productive language, with apparent good understanding. The model of intervention therapy of the environment (hybrid model) is followed, which collects some of the behavioral tradition techniques and attempts to integrate them with the procedures of social interactionism. The results show an increase in the expressive and comprehensive vocabulary referred to the programmed categories, development of their comprehension skills from the understanding of questions such as Where? verbally, comprehension simple instructions of an action, two objects and a location and elaboration of sentences of the type “Subject + Verb + Complement”. It is concluded that the applied intervention plan allowed the child to show progress in the lexical, semantic and morphosyntactic components, by increasing their comprehension and expressive vocabulary, developing their comprehension skills from the understanding of questions, developing the understanding of simple instructions and improving organizing simple sentences to communicate more precisely.
Trastornos del habla en niños--Estudio de casos, Niños--Lenguaje--Estudio de casos