¿Coautoría en los delitos de infracción de deber?: Análisis de la figura de la coautoría respecto a si es posible o no su aplicación en los delitos contra la administración pública
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente artículo tenemos como objetivo principal pronunciarnos y sentar
posición respecto al debate existente que surgió a raíz de la aplicación o no de la
figura de la coautoría en los denominados delitos de infracción de deber.
Para ello, hemos realizado la revisión de doctrina nacional e internacional, así como
también de la jurisprudencia nacional, para así poder establecer y explicar lo
desarrollado respecto a este tema. Es por ello que, ha sido importante establecer
definiciones respecto a conceptos importantes, como la teoría del dominio del hecho
y la teoría de infracción de deber, las cuales serán utilizadas para poder distinguir
entre quiénes responden como autores o partícipes frente a la comisión de un hecho
Asimismo, hemos explicado cómo ha sido definida la figura coautoría, para
seguidamente desarrollar los argumentos bajo los cuales un sector sostiene que
esta figura si debe aplicarse cuando estamos frente a los delitos de infracción de
deber, y los argumentos en los cuales se basa otro sector, el cual sostiene que esta
figura no puede aplicarse en dichos delitos.
Finalmente, hemos hecho mención a algunas consecuencias prácticas que trae
consigo el no sentar posición respecto a este tema en concreto, haciendo referencia
principalmente a la vulneración de la garantía del debido proceso.
The main objective of this article is to pronounce ourselves and establish a position regarding the existing debate that arose as a result of the application or not of the figure of co-authorship in the so-called crimes of breach of duty. For this, we have carried out the review of national and international doctrine, as well as national jurisprudence, in order to establish what has been developed regarding this topic. That is why it has been important to establish definitions regarding important concepts, such as the theory of control of the act and the theory of infringement of duty, which will be used to distinguish between those who respond as perpetrators or participants in the commission of a crime. wrongful act. Likewise, we have explained how the co-authorship figure has been defined, to then explain the arguments under which a sector maintains that this figure should be applied when we are facing crimes of breach of duty, and the arguments in which a sector maintains that this figure cannot be applied in said crimes. Finally, we have mentioned some practical consequences of not taking a position on this specific issue, referring mainly to the violation of the guarantee of due process.
The main objective of this article is to pronounce ourselves and establish a position regarding the existing debate that arose as a result of the application or not of the figure of co-authorship in the so-called crimes of breach of duty. For this, we have carried out the review of national and international doctrine, as well as national jurisprudence, in order to establish what has been developed regarding this topic. That is why it has been important to establish definitions regarding important concepts, such as the theory of control of the act and the theory of infringement of duty, which will be used to distinguish between those who respond as perpetrators or participants in the commission of a crime. wrongful act. Likewise, we have explained how the co-authorship figure has been defined, to then explain the arguments under which a sector maintains that this figure should be applied when we are facing crimes of breach of duty, and the arguments in which a sector maintains that this figure cannot be applied in said crimes. Finally, we have mentioned some practical consequences of not taking a position on this specific issue, referring mainly to the violation of the guarantee of due process.
Delitos de los funcionarios--Perú, Autoría penal--Perú, Cómplices--Perú, Derecho penal--Perú
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