Estudio de caso de una estudiante de 10 años con dificultad en el proceso léxico de la lectura y léxico ortográfico de la escritura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la tercera etapa del desarrollo de los niños, que va de tercero a quinto grado de primaria, se da
consolidación de técnicas instrumentales, se inicia el mayor ingreso de contenidos y estrategias de
aprendizaje a utilizar; sin embargo, en el transcurso de esta etapa escolar se podría percibir una falta de
automatización de los procesos de bajo nivel en la lectura y escritura. El caso en mención cursa el quinto
grado de primaria, presentaba una lectura y escritura sin precisión y dificultad en la comprensión de textos
escritos y orales. El objetivo del presente trabajo es diseñar un plan de evaluación e intervención acorde con
las dificultades del caso. Luego del proceso de intervención en la lectura, las evidencias demuestran que al
trabajar el proceso léxico mediante las rutas visual y fonológica con tareas de análisis y síntesis mejora la
precisión y fluidez de la lectura de palabras. En cuanto a la escritura, al desarrollar la ortografía fonética del
proceso léxico ortográfico, con el mismo vocabulario de la lectura, permitió lograr una escritura con mayor
precisión al obtener un mayor dominio en la conversión fonema grafema. Se concluye que, la aplicación del
plan permitió el desarrollo de los procesos léxicos de la lectura y escritura; así como el mejor desempeño en
los procesos sintácticos, lo cual impactó en el desempeño de la niña tanto en la precisión como en la fluidez
In the third stage of children's development, which goes from third to fifth grade of primary school, there is consolidation of instrumental techniques, the greater entry of content and learning strategies to be used begins; However, in the course of this school stage, a lack of automation of low-level processes in reading and writing could be perceived. The case in question is in the fifth grade of primary school, presented reading and writing without precision and difficulty in understanding written and oral texts. The objective of this work is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the difficulties of the case. After the intervention process in reading, the evidence shows that working on the lexical process through the visual and phonological routes with analysis and synthesis tasks improves the precision and fluency of word reading. As for writing, by developing the phonetic orthography of the orthographic lexical process, with the same vocabulary of reading, it allowed to achieve writing with greater precision by obtaining a greater mastery in the phoneme-grapheme conversion. It is concluded that, the application of the plan allowed the development of the lexical processes of reading and writing; as well as the best performance in syntactic processes, which impacted on the girl's performance both in precision and in reading fluency.
In the third stage of children's development, which goes from third to fifth grade of primary school, there is consolidation of instrumental techniques, the greater entry of content and learning strategies to be used begins; However, in the course of this school stage, a lack of automation of low-level processes in reading and writing could be perceived. The case in question is in the fifth grade of primary school, presented reading and writing without precision and difficulty in understanding written and oral texts. The objective of this work is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the difficulties of the case. After the intervention process in reading, the evidence shows that working on the lexical process through the visual and phonological routes with analysis and synthesis tasks improves the precision and fluency of word reading. As for writing, by developing the phonetic orthography of the orthographic lexical process, with the same vocabulary of reading, it allowed to achieve writing with greater precision by obtaining a greater mastery in the phoneme-grapheme conversion. It is concluded that, the application of the plan allowed the development of the lexical processes of reading and writing; as well as the best performance in syntactic processes, which impacted on the girl's performance both in precision and in reading fluency.
Lectura--Dificultades--Estudio de casos, Lectura (Educación primaria)--Estudio de casos, Escritura (Educación primaria)--Estudio de casos, Educación primaria--Aspectos psicológicos--Estudio de casos