Remedios para adoptar por los Generadores ante los retiros sin contrato a favor de los Distribuidores sin suficiente capacidad económica en el Mercado Mayorista de Electricidad
Mijahuanga Gallego, Annie Estefani
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación identifica los remedios que pueden adoptar los
Generadores ante el incumplimiento de pago por concepto de los retiros sin contrato
por los Distribuidores sin suficiente capacidad económica en el Mercado Mayorista
de Electricidad (MME). Sucede que, en la actualidad, existen antecedentes que
evidencian que esta problemática afecta a los Generadores porque no pueden
decidir a quién suministrarle energía ni asegurar sus pagos por el concepto de retiro
sin contrato o retiros no declarados. En ese sentido, concluimos que los
Generadores tienen remedios contractuales, remedios regulatorios y remedios
judiciales o constitucionales como mecanismos alternativos para exigir el pago por
los retiros sin contrato o, como medida a gran escala, modificar los factores de
proporción, considerados por COES para determinar el consumo de los
Distribuidores en el Mercado de Corto Plazo.
This research work identifies the remedies that can be adopted by the Generators in the event of non-payment for withdrawals without contract by Distributors without sufficient economic capacity in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MME). It happens that, at present, there is evidence that this problem affects the Generators because they cannot decide to whom to supply energy or ensure their payments for the concept of withdrawals without contract or undeclared withdrawals. In that sense, we conclude that the Generators have contractual remedies, regulatory remedies and judicial or constitutional remedies as alternative mechanisms to demand payment for withdrawals without contract or, as a large-scale measure, modify the proportion factors considered by COES to determine the consumption of the Distributors in the Short-Term Market.
This research work identifies the remedies that can be adopted by the Generators in the event of non-payment for withdrawals without contract by Distributors without sufficient economic capacity in the Wholesale Electricity Market (MME). It happens that, at present, there is evidence that this problem affects the Generators because they cannot decide to whom to supply energy or ensure their payments for the concept of withdrawals without contract or undeclared withdrawals. In that sense, we conclude that the Generators have contractual remedies, regulatory remedies and judicial or constitutional remedies as alternative mechanisms to demand payment for withdrawals without contract or, as a large-scale measure, modify the proportion factors considered by COES to determine the consumption of the Distributors in the Short-Term Market.
Empresas eléctricas--Legislación--Perú, Energía eléctrica--Distribución, Contratos--Incumplimiento--Perú
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