Infraestructura educativa y el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de segundo grado de secundaria en el Perú en el año 2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el Perú, la educación es importante para poder mejorar el capital humano en el
largo plazo y poder tener profesionales de calidad en un futuro. Un estudiante al
que se le dan todos los instrumentos educativos desde el comienzo tendrá mejores
resultados que un estudiante que no obtuvo el apoyo suficiente para poder tener
mejores logros académicos. Es por esta razón que en el presente estudio se busca
identificar cuáles son los factores de oferta y demanda educativa que tienen un
efecto positivo en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de segundo grado
de secundaria, y se le tomará importancia a la infraestructura educativa, ya que
diferentes estudios han resaltado la relación existente entre la infraestructura del
colegio y el desempeño del estudiante en las áreas de estudio sobre las que se les
evalúa. Por otro lado, también se identificará el departamental tiene un efecto en el
rendimiento académico y para esto se incluyen como variables departamentales
dónde está ubicado el colegio. Por último, se dará como conclusión propuestas de
políticas para un mejor resultado en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y
se identificará también si hay diferencias en el nivel de logro escolar de acuerdo
con el área que está siendo evaluada por la Evaluación Censal de Estudiantes.
In Peru, education is important to be able to improve human capital in the long term and to have quality professionals in the future. A student who is given all educational tools from the beginning will do better than a student who did not get enough support to be able to have better academic achievement. It is for this reason that the present study seeks to identify which are the educational supply and demand factors that have a positive effect on the academic performance of secondgrade high school students, and importance will be given to the educational infrastructure, since that different studies have highlighted the relationship between the school's infrastructure and student performance in the study areas on which they are evaluated. On the other hand, the department will also be identified as having an effect on academic performance and for this, where the school is located are included as departmental variables. Finally, policy proposals for a better result in students' academic performance will be concluded and it will also be identified if there are differences in the level of school achievement according to the area that is being evaluated by the Census Assessment of Students.
In Peru, education is important to be able to improve human capital in the long term and to have quality professionals in the future. A student who is given all educational tools from the beginning will do better than a student who did not get enough support to be able to have better academic achievement. It is for this reason that the present study seeks to identify which are the educational supply and demand factors that have a positive effect on the academic performance of secondgrade high school students, and importance will be given to the educational infrastructure, since that different studies have highlighted the relationship between the school's infrastructure and student performance in the study areas on which they are evaluated. On the other hand, the department will also be identified as having an effect on academic performance and for this, where the school is located are included as departmental variables. Finally, policy proposals for a better result in students' academic performance will be concluded and it will also be identified if there are differences in the level of school achievement according to the area that is being evaluated by the Census Assessment of Students.
Educación secundaria--Perú, Rendimiento académico--Aspectos económicos--Perú, Construcciones escolares--Perú
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