El uso indebido de la figura de “Eficacia Anticipada” para la autorización de ejecución de prestaciones adicionales de bienes y servicios durante la etapa de ejecución contractual en el marco de la normativa de Contrataciones del Estado
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo analiza el por qué el uso de figuras jurídicas aplicables al
derecho administrativo general no puede ser discrecional ni mucho menos
arbitrario. Existen reglas de aplicación supletoria que deben ser rigurosamente
observadas preliminarmente a efectos de determinar si su uso no desnaturaliza
el propósito mismo de la norma en cuestión. La figura de la Eficacia Anticipada
del Derecho Administrativo no está pensada para una aplicación general sino
para verificar cada caso en particular y sus implicancias. En tal sentido, en el
caso de las prestaciones adicionales para la ejecución de contratos de bienes y
servicios del Estado deben cumplir con las disposiciones normativas que les son
aplicables, no pudiendo utilizar salvavidas jurídicos para regularizar situaciones
que ponen en cuestión la legalidad de la decisión adoptada.
This article analyzes why the use of legal concepts applicable to general administrative law cannot be discretionary, much less arbitrary. There are supplementary application rules that must be strictly observed preliminarily to determine if their use does not distort the very purpose of the relevant norm. The concept of Anticipated Effectiveness in Administrative Law is not intended for general application but rather to assess each specific case and its implications. In this regard, in the case of additional obligations for the execution of contracts for goods and services with the State, they must comply with the applicable regulatory provisions, and legal loopholes cannot be used to regularize situations that question the legality of the decision made.
This article analyzes why the use of legal concepts applicable to general administrative law cannot be discretionary, much less arbitrary. There are supplementary application rules that must be strictly observed preliminarily to determine if their use does not distort the very purpose of the relevant norm. The concept of Anticipated Effectiveness in Administrative Law is not intended for general application but rather to assess each specific case and its implications. In this regard, in the case of additional obligations for the execution of contracts for goods and services with the State, they must comply with the applicable regulatory provisions, and legal loopholes cannot be used to regularize situations that question the legality of the decision made.
Actos administrativos--Perú, Contratos administrativos--Perú, Administración pública--Perú
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