Estudio de caso de un niño de 7 años con riesgo en el aprendizaje lectoescrito
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El aprendizaje es un despliegue de conocimientos y habilidades que se desprenden de las experiencias del
ser humano; una de ellas es la lectoescritura que conduce a las personas a seguir aprendiendo. En la
actualidad nuestra sociedad actúa de manera indiferente, frente al aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura, sin
darse cuenta que es fundamental para la vida. El objetivo del presente estudio de caso es diseñar un plan de
evaluación e intervención acorde a las necesidades que presenta un niño de 7 años 9 meses que cursa el 2do
grado de educación primaria con riesgo en el aprendizaje lectoescritor. Si este retraso en el aprendizaje
lectoescritor no se atiende de forma oportuna, puede llevar al niño al fracaso escolar, pues la lectura es una
tarea clave para aprender a aprender. Por este motivo se plantea trabajar los predictores de la lectura como el
desarrollo de la conciencia fonológica, velocidad de denominación y conocimiento alfabético asimismo los
procesos de bajo nivel tanto perceptivos con actividades de identificación de palabras y direccionalidad como
léxicos con la ruta fonológica y visual. Los resultados se evidencian a nivel perceptivo el reconocimiento visual
de palabras y pseudopalabras, una lectura sin saltar reglones y a nivel léxico el dominio de las reglas de
conversión grafema fonema, la adquisición de la escritura de palabras por la ruta fonológica y una mejora en
la exactitud y fluidez de la lectura visual de las palabras. En definitiva, el plan de intervención aplicado permitió
mostrar el avance del niño en los procesos fundamentales de la lectoescritura.
Learning is a display of knowledge and skills that detach from human experiences; one of them is literacy that leads people to continue learning. Currently our society acts indifferently, in the face of learning to read and write, without realizing that it is fundamental for life. The objective of this case study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the needs of a 7-year-old 9-monthold child who attends the 2nd grade of primary education at risk in literacy learning. If this delay in literacy learning is not addressed in a timely manner, it can lead the child to school failure, since reading is a key task in learning to learn. For this reason, it is proposed to work on the predictors of reading such as the development of phonological awareness, speed of naming and alphabetical knowledge, as well as low-level processes both perceptual with activities of identification of words and directionality and lexical with the phonological and visual path. The results are evidenced at the perceptual level of visual recognition of words and pseudowords, a reading without skipping lines, and at the lexical level, mastery of the grapheme-phoneme conversion rules, the acquisition of word writing by the phonological route and an improvement in accuracy and fluency in visual reading of words. In short, the intervention plan applied allowed to show the progress of the child in the fundamental processes of literacy
Learning is a display of knowledge and skills that detach from human experiences; one of them is literacy that leads people to continue learning. Currently our society acts indifferently, in the face of learning to read and write, without realizing that it is fundamental for life. The objective of this case study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the needs of a 7-year-old 9-monthold child who attends the 2nd grade of primary education at risk in literacy learning. If this delay in literacy learning is not addressed in a timely manner, it can lead the child to school failure, since reading is a key task in learning to learn. For this reason, it is proposed to work on the predictors of reading such as the development of phonological awareness, speed of naming and alphabetical knowledge, as well as low-level processes both perceptual with activities of identification of words and directionality and lexical with the phonological and visual path. The results are evidenced at the perceptual level of visual recognition of words and pseudowords, a reading without skipping lines, and at the lexical level, mastery of the grapheme-phoneme conversion rules, the acquisition of word writing by the phonological route and an improvement in accuracy and fluency in visual reading of words. In short, the intervention plan applied allowed to show the progress of the child in the fundamental processes of literacy
Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Aprendizaje (Educación)--Metodología, Lecto-escritura