La vulneración del principio de resocialización, el libre desarrollo de la personalidad, y libertad de creencia en los casos de destitución de docentes que fueron condenados por terrorismo o apología al terrorismo antes de integrarse a la carrera pública magisterial: Un análisis argumentativo del Caso reforma magisterial 3
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo analiza la motivación que realizo del Tribunal Constitucional
en la sentencia recaída en el Caso Reforma Magisterial 3, referido a la constitucionalidad de
la destitución de docentes por haber sufrido condena por delito de terrorismo, apología del
terrorismo y sus agravantes antes de incorporarse o reincorporarse a la carrera pública
magisterial, establecida en el art. 49 literal c) de la Ley N° 29944. Se analiza los antecedentes
que dieron origen a dicha medida; el desarrollo jurisprudencial del principio de
resocialización, derecho al libre desarrollo de la personalidad, y el derecho de educación; y la
motivación del Colegiado a partir del esquema de Toulmin y el test de proporcionalidad.
This article analyzes the motivation that I make of the Constitutional Court in the sentence relapsed in the Magisterial Reform Case 3, refering to the constitutionality of the dismissal of teachers for having suffered a conviction for the crime of terrorism, apology for terrorism and its aggravating factors before joining or rejoin the public teaching career, established in art. 49 literal c) of Law No. 29944. The antecedents that gave rise to said measure are analyzed; the jurisprudential development of the principle of re-socialization, the right to free development of the personality, and the right to education; and the motivation of the collegiate from the Toulmin scheme and the proportionality test.
This article analyzes the motivation that I make of the Constitutional Court in the sentence relapsed in the Magisterial Reform Case 3, refering to the constitutionality of the dismissal of teachers for having suffered a conviction for the crime of terrorism, apology for terrorism and its aggravating factors before joining or rejoin the public teaching career, established in art. 49 literal c) of Law No. 29944. The antecedents that gave rise to said measure are analyzed; the jurisprudential development of the principle of re-socialization, the right to free development of the personality, and the right to education; and the motivation of the collegiate from the Toulmin scheme and the proportionality test.
Perú. Tribunal Constitucional--Jurisprudencia, Perú. Tribunal Constitucional--Sentencias, Terrorismo--Legislación--Perú
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