Ciudad Adolescente Santa Rosa: una ciudadanía feliz y activa con arte y deporte en comunidad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las actividades artísticas y deportivas son importantes para el desarrollo de las personas como
agentes activos por sus derechos, en las cuales su voz sea escuchada y representada. Sin
embargo, la mirada que se tiene sobre las artes y el deporte en la sociedad, se suele limitar a
actividades de recreación y salud, y no como medios para ejercer los derechos. En relación a
esto último, es importante mencionar el ejercicio de ciudadanía, el cual supone un compromiso
sostenible y crítico por parte de las y los ciudadanos hacia su comunidad. Este compromiso se
desarrolla en la cotidianidad y se refuerza en la práctica. Por ello, el presente proyecto trabaja
con adolescentes de 12 a 17 años de la comunidad de Santa Rosa del distrito de Puente Piedra
y ambiciona que estos se transformen en agentes de cambio de una cultura ciudadana juvenil a
partir del ejercicio de una ciudadanía activa desde el arte y deporte social comunitario.
Asimismo, a través de estos se busca lograr que las y los adolescentes ejerzan una participación
ciudadana organizada en la solución de problemáticas sociales que aquejan a su comunidad.
Para lograr ello, se emplearán tres enfoques metodológicos: edu-entretenimiento, participativo
y aprendizaje cooperativo, los cuales combinan entretenimiento con educación, vinculación de
cada participante como agentes activos y asegura la participación en equipo. Todo esto de
manera integral, a partir de recursos comunicacionales, desarrollo de conocimientos y
aprendizaje de manera positiva, puesto que el trabajo en grupo incrementa la atención. En ese
sentido, estos enfoques sirven de apoyo para concluir que es posible ejercer ciudadanía a través
de actividades artísticas y deportivas.
Artistic and sports activities are important for the development of people as active agents for their rights, in which their voice is heard and represented. However, the view that is had on the arts and sports in society is usually limited to recreational and health activities, and not as a means to exercise rights. In relation to the latter, it is important to mention the exercise of citizenship, which supposes a sustainable and critical commitment on the part of citizens towards their community. This commitment develops on a daily basis and is reinforced in practice. For this reason, this project works with adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 from the Santa Rosa community of the Puente Piedra district and aims for them to become agents of change in a youth culture of citizenship through the exercise of active citizenship from the beginning. art and community social sport. Likewise, through these, it is sought to ensure that adolescents exercise organized citizen participation in the solution of social problems that afflict their community. To achieve this, three methodological approaches will be used: eduentertainment, participatory and cooperative learning, which combine entertainment with education, linking each participant as active agents and ensuring team participation. All this in a comprehensive way, based on communication resources, knowledge development and learning in a positive way, since group work increases attention. In that sense, these approaches serve as support to conclude that it is possible to exercise citizenship through artistic and sports activities.
Artistic and sports activities are important for the development of people as active agents for their rights, in which their voice is heard and represented. However, the view that is had on the arts and sports in society is usually limited to recreational and health activities, and not as a means to exercise rights. In relation to the latter, it is important to mention the exercise of citizenship, which supposes a sustainable and critical commitment on the part of citizens towards their community. This commitment develops on a daily basis and is reinforced in practice. For this reason, this project works with adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 from the Santa Rosa community of the Puente Piedra district and aims for them to become agents of change in a youth culture of citizenship through the exercise of active citizenship from the beginning. art and community social sport. Likewise, through these, it is sought to ensure that adolescents exercise organized citizen participation in the solution of social problems that afflict their community. To achieve this, three methodological approaches will be used: eduentertainment, participatory and cooperative learning, which combine entertainment with education, linking each participant as active agents and ensuring team participation. All this in a comprehensive way, based on communication resources, knowledge development and learning in a positive way, since group work increases attention. In that sense, these approaches serve as support to conclude that it is possible to exercise citizenship through artistic and sports activities.
Ciudadanía, Deporte--Aspectos sociales, Arte
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