Estudio de caso de un estudiante de 4º grado de primaria con dificultad en los procesos léxicos de la lectura y léxicos ortográfico de la escritura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Durante los primeros ciclos de educación inicial, los niños aprenden habilidades elementales necesarias
para el proceso de aprendizaje en los niveles de la educación básica regular. Sin embargo, si estas
habilidades no son estimuladas de manera adecuada, puede traer como consecuencia que, durante el
desarrollo del proceso de aprendizaje en el nivel primario, algunos niños muestren dificultades en la lectura
y la escritura.
El estudio de caso hace referencia a un niño de cuarto grado de primaria, quien presenta una lectura lenta
y poco precisa, y una escritura imprecisa; el objetivo es diseñar un plan de evaluación e intervención
orientado a las dificultades observadas. Después del proceso de intervención en la lectura, las evidencias
indican que al abordar las habilidades fonológicas y el proceso léxico mediante el trabajo en la ruta
fonológica y visual, se incrementó el nivel de precisión y velocidad de la lectura de palabras, aspecto
importante que permite al niño codificar y tener mayor dominio sobre la palabra, y a su vez, acceder
adecuadamente al significado de estas. Por otro lado, en la escritura, al reforzar la ortografía fonética del
proceso léxico ortográfico, a través del uso del mismo vocabulario empleado en la lectura, se logró
promover que el niño incremente su dominio en la conversión fonema grafema, y así generar una escritura
más precisa. Finalmente, se concluye que la intervención ejecutada evidenció el desarrollo de habilidades
fonológicas y procesos léxicos de la lectura y escritura, los cuales impactan de forma positiva en el lenguaje
During the first cycles of initial education, children learn elementary skills necessary for the learning process at the levels of regular basic education. However, if these skills are not adequately stimulated, it can result in some children showing difficulties in reading and writing during the development of the learning process at the primary level. The case study refers to a boy in the fourth grade of primary school, who has slow and inaccurate reading and imprecise writing; The objective is to design an evaluation and intervention plan oriented to the difficulties observed. After the intervention process in reading, the evidence indicates that by addressing the phonological skills and the lexical process through work on the phonological and visual path, the level of precision and speed of word reading increased, an important aspect that allows the child to encode and have greater command over the word, and in turn, adequately access the meaning of these. On the other hand, in writing, by reinforcing the phonetic spelling of the orthographic lexical process, through the use of the same vocabulary used in reading, it was possible to promote the child to increase his domain in phoneme-grapheme conversion, and thus generate a writing more precise. Finally, it is concluded that the intervention carried out evidenced the development of phonological skills and lexical processes of reading and writing, which have a positive impact on written language.
During the first cycles of initial education, children learn elementary skills necessary for the learning process at the levels of regular basic education. However, if these skills are not adequately stimulated, it can result in some children showing difficulties in reading and writing during the development of the learning process at the primary level. The case study refers to a boy in the fourth grade of primary school, who has slow and inaccurate reading and imprecise writing; The objective is to design an evaluation and intervention plan oriented to the difficulties observed. After the intervention process in reading, the evidence indicates that by addressing the phonological skills and the lexical process through work on the phonological and visual path, the level of precision and speed of word reading increased, an important aspect that allows the child to encode and have greater command over the word, and in turn, adequately access the meaning of these. On the other hand, in writing, by reinforcing the phonetic spelling of the orthographic lexical process, through the use of the same vocabulary used in reading, it was possible to promote the child to increase his domain in phoneme-grapheme conversion, and thus generate a writing more precise. Finally, it is concluded that the intervention carried out evidenced the development of phonological skills and lexical processes of reading and writing, which have a positive impact on written language.
Trastornos del aprendizaje en niños (Educación)--Estudio de casos, Lectura--Dificultades, Escritura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Educación primaria