La salud y sus determinantes personales en jóvenes universitarios de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio intenta aproximarse a la situación de salud de un grupo de
estudiantes de una universidad privada de Lima. Se considera que la etapa universitaria
expone al estudiante a una serie de situaciones demandantes, así como al cambio de
muchas actitudes y rutinas relacionadas a su autocuidado; lo cual puede afectar su salud.
Los resultados indican que si bien existe evidencia empírica que señala la presencia de
sintomatología física y mental en este grupo, esta suele pasar desapercibida debido a
que muchas de sus molestias no son consideradas enfermedades graves y prima una
visión positiva de su salud. Este estudio también considera importante conocer de
manera más amplia cómo es la salud de estos universitarios y para ello recolecta
diversos indicadores que permiten establecer un panorama más completo y cercano a la
noción biopsicosocial de la salud; para ello se resalta la importancia del reporte de salud
percibida global y el de salud física y salud mental. Todo lo que finalmente llevará,
posteriormente, a analizar el rol de determinantes personales de la salud; tales como el
sexo, la personalidad y las prácticas preventivas sobre la salud. Esta investigación
cuenta con la participación de 636 estudiantes universitarios, en los que hallamos
evidencia de diversos grados de desgaste en su salud, alta prevalencia de enfermedad
leve y/o aguda; así como, niveles más bajos de salud mental y vitalidad de lo esperado.
También se encontró que las estudiantes mujeres reportan menores niveles de salud que
los varones. Es importante señalar que estudios previos muestran la importancia de los
rasgos de personalidad; tales como el neuroticismo, la extraversión y la conciencia
sobre la salud, en este estudio existe cierta coincidencia con lo mencionado, aunque el
rol de neuroticismo es el que se mantiene de manera más consistente y significativo. Las
conductas de salud como la práctica de actividad física, organización del sueño y el
tiempo para la recreación y ocio se sostienen como eventos relevantes. Tal como se
esperaba, se encontró que las conductas de salud mencionadas cumplen un rol mediador
en la relación entre los rasgos de personalidad y los dos indicadores de salud analizados.
The present study aims to approach the health situation in a group of students at a private university in Lima. This research considers that the university, as institution, exposes the students to a series of demanding situations and provokes the change of many attitudes and routines towrd self-care that could affect their health. In this group, there is empirical evidence that indicates the presence of physical and mental symptoms that usually are unnoticed because many of their discomforts are not considered serious diseases and a positive vision of their health prevails. Also, this study considers the importance of knowing, in a broader way, the health of these university students and collects various indicators that allow a more complete and closer view of their health from the biopsychosocial model. In order to accomplish this goal; the research highlights the importance of their self-rated health item and of their physical and mental health too. Finally, the role of personal determinants such as gender, personality traits and preventive practices on health is analyzed. This research assessed 636 university students, finding important evidence of some deterioration degree on their health, high prevalence of mild and/or acute disease, as well as lower levels of mental health and vitality than expected. Also, it was found that female students report lower levels of health than male ones. Previous studies show the importance of personality traits such as neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness but in this study, the role of neuroticism is maintained in a more consistent and significant way compared to the others. Health behaviors such as the practice of physical activity, organization of sleep and time for recreation and leisure are held as relevant. As expected, it was found that health behaviors play a mediating role in the relationship between personality traits and the two health indicators analyzed.
The present study aims to approach the health situation in a group of students at a private university in Lima. This research considers that the university, as institution, exposes the students to a series of demanding situations and provokes the change of many attitudes and routines towrd self-care that could affect their health. In this group, there is empirical evidence that indicates the presence of physical and mental symptoms that usually are unnoticed because many of their discomforts are not considered serious diseases and a positive vision of their health prevails. Also, this study considers the importance of knowing, in a broader way, the health of these university students and collects various indicators that allow a more complete and closer view of their health from the biopsychosocial model. In order to accomplish this goal; the research highlights the importance of their self-rated health item and of their physical and mental health too. Finally, the role of personal determinants such as gender, personality traits and preventive practices on health is analyzed. This research assessed 636 university students, finding important evidence of some deterioration degree on their health, high prevalence of mild and/or acute disease, as well as lower levels of mental health and vitality than expected. Also, it was found that female students report lower levels of health than male ones. Previous studies show the importance of personality traits such as neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness but in this study, the role of neuroticism is maintained in a more consistent and significant way compared to the others. Health behaviors such as the practice of physical activity, organization of sleep and time for recreation and leisure are held as relevant. As expected, it was found that health behaviors play a mediating role in the relationship between personality traits and the two health indicators analyzed.
Psicología de la salud, Estudiantes universitarios--Salud e higiene, Estudiantes universitarios--Perú--Lima
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