Estudio de caso de un estudiante de 4º grado de primaria con dificultades en la lectura y la escritura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Desde el nivel inicial de la escolaridad se pueden apreciar indicadores de posibles dificultades de
aprendizaje de la lectura, sin embargo, éstas se hacen más evidentes a partir del primer grado donde se
da el aprendizaje formal de la lectura.
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo elaborar un programa de evaluación e intervención para un niño de
10 años con dificultades en el aprendizaje de la lectura y escritura. Las dificultades del aprendizaje se
caracterizan por afectar el rendimiento académico de los niños, afectando la expresión y comprensión de
textos, lo cual repercute en su escritura y son básicos para el desempeño escolar. Se siguió una
metodología práctica e interactiva, que favoreció en el desarrollo de las habilidades del niño. Los resultados
muestran un avance en el área de la lectura: en especial en los procesos léxicos y sintácticos de la lectura,
a través de una lectura clara, con mayor velocidad, respetando los signos de puntación. En la escritura los
resultados se evidenciaron en la ejecución palabras y oraciones sin fallas ortográficas en las letras
trabajadas tanto a nivel de ortografía fonética, arbitraria y reglada.
El proceso de intervención se vio favorecido con los recursos con que cuenta el niño: sus habilidades, así
también el grado de compromiso de los padres, de esta forma se garantizará a que el niño pueda convertirse
en un lector competente según su edad.
From the initial level of schooling, indicators of possible reading learning difficulties can be seen, however, these become more evident from the first grade where the formal learning of reading takes place. The present study aims to develop an evaluation and intervention program for a 10-year-old boy with difficulties in learning to read and write. Learning difficulties are characterized by affecting children's academic performance, affecting the expression and comprehension of texts, which affects their writing and are essential for school performance. A practical and interactive methodology was followed, which favored the development of the child's abilities. The results show an advance in the area of reading: especially in the lexical and syntactic processes of reading, through a clear reading, with greater speed, respecting the punctuation marks. In writing, the results were evidenced in the execution of words and sentences without spelling errors in the letters worked both at the level of phonetic, arbitrary and regulated spelling. The intervention process was favored with the resources available to the child: their abilities, as well as the degree of commitment of the parents, in this way it will be guaranteed that the child can become a competent reader according to their age.
From the initial level of schooling, indicators of possible reading learning difficulties can be seen, however, these become more evident from the first grade where the formal learning of reading takes place. The present study aims to develop an evaluation and intervention program for a 10-year-old boy with difficulties in learning to read and write. Learning difficulties are characterized by affecting children's academic performance, affecting the expression and comprehension of texts, which affects their writing and are essential for school performance. A practical and interactive methodology was followed, which favored the development of the child's abilities. The results show an advance in the area of reading: especially in the lexical and syntactic processes of reading, through a clear reading, with greater speed, respecting the punctuation marks. In writing, the results were evidenced in the execution of words and sentences without spelling errors in the letters worked both at the level of phonetic, arbitrary and regulated spelling. The intervention process was favored with the resources available to the child: their abilities, as well as the degree of commitment of the parents, in this way it will be guaranteed that the child can become a competent reader according to their age.
Niños--Lenguaje, Lectura--Dificultades, Escritura--Enseñanza correctiva