Autonomous navigation of differential robot with depth camera and laser range finder using Deep Reinforcement Learning in non-stationary indoor environments
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los sistemas inteligentes son un área de las ciencias de la computación que busca resolver problemas complejos y multidisciplinares mediante el uso de un enfoque automático mediante la captura de información a partir de la cual puede realizar acciones y evaluar su resultado con el fin de aprender de su experiencia y mejorar su desempeño y eficiencia. Estos sistemas pueden ser aplicados en robótica con fines de navegación autónoma, donde el uso de técnicas convencionales de control automático es muy complejo. Los temas con mayor potencial son el Aprendizaje por Refuerzo y el Aprendizaje Profundo, que a través de su combinación es posible resolver problemas de alta complejidad a partir del entrenamiento de marcos computacionales basados en recompensas por realizar una acción correcta o penalizaciones por acciones incorrectas. El proyecto de tesis está enfocado en dotar de la capacidad de navegación autónoma a un robot diferencial haciendo uso de una cámara de profundidad Lidar y técnicas de Aprendizaje Profundo por Refuerzo (DRL) para su uso en ambientes interiores con elementos no estacionarios. Para su desarrollo se realizará una revisión de los marcos DRL utilizados para navegación autónoma, a partir de los cuales se planteará el desarrollo de marcos basados en técnicas DRL para navegación autónoma de robots en ambientes interiores donde los elementos sean no estacionarios. Posteriormente, se propone la evaluación de los frameworks en plataformas virtuales para determinar su desempeño. Finalmente, se acondicionará una plataforma robótica con tracción diferencial y una cámara de profundidad Lidar para ser utilizada en una etapa de validación mediante experimentos en entornos reales.
Intelligent systems are an area of computer science that seeks to solve complex and multidisciplinary problems by using an automatic focus by capturing information from which it can perform actions and evaluate its result in order to learn from its experience and improve its performance and efficiency. These systems can be applied in robotics for autonomous navigation purposes, where the use of conventional automatic control techniques is very complex. The topics with the greatest potential are Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning, which through their combination is possible to solve highly complex problems from the training of computational frameworks based on rewards for taking a correct action or penalties for incorrect actions. The thesis project is focused on providing the autonomous navigation capacity to a differential robot making use of a Lidar depth camera and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) techniques for use in indoor environments with non-stationary elements. For its development, a review of the DRL frameworks used for autonomous navigation will be carried out, from which the development of frameworks based on DRL techniques for autonomous robot navigation will be considered in indoor environments where elements are non-stationary. Subsequently, the evaluation of the frameworks in virtual platforms is proposed to determine its performance. Finally, a robotic platform with differential traction and a Lidar depth camera will be conditioned to be used in a validation stage through experiments in real environments.
Intelligent systems are an area of computer science that seeks to solve complex and multidisciplinary problems by using an automatic focus by capturing information from which it can perform actions and evaluate its result in order to learn from its experience and improve its performance and efficiency. These systems can be applied in robotics for autonomous navigation purposes, where the use of conventional automatic control techniques is very complex. The topics with the greatest potential are Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning, which through their combination is possible to solve highly complex problems from the training of computational frameworks based on rewards for taking a correct action or penalties for incorrect actions. The thesis project is focused on providing the autonomous navigation capacity to a differential robot making use of a Lidar depth camera and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) techniques for use in indoor environments with non-stationary elements. For its development, a review of the DRL frameworks used for autonomous navigation will be carried out, from which the development of frameworks based on DRL techniques for autonomous robot navigation will be considered in indoor environments where elements are non-stationary. Subsequently, the evaluation of the frameworks in virtual platforms is proposed to determine its performance. Finally, a robotic platform with differential traction and a Lidar depth camera will be conditioned to be used in a validation stage through experiments in real environments.
Innovaciones tecnológicas--Perú, Inteligencia artificial--Aplicaciones, Computadoras--Aplicaciones, Robótica--Aplicaciones industriales
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