Estudio de caso de un estudiante de 3º grado de primaria con dificultad en los procesos léxicos de la lectura y léxicos ortográfico de la escritura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Existen situaciones que originan dificultades generales o específicas que afectan el proceso regular de
aprendizaje que requieren una atención psicoeducativa especializada. El objetivo del presente estudio de
caso es diseñar un plan de evaluación e intervención acorde a las necesidades que presenta un niño de 8
años y 7 meses que evidencia dificultades en los procesos léxicos de la lectura y escritura. Las dificultades
en los procesos de bajo nivel de la lectura y escritura indican que las habilidades previas no se han
consolidado, tales como la conciencia fonológica y el conocimiento alfabético; afectando la automatización
de las reglas de conversión grafema-fonema. En consecuencia, el perfil de habilidades para el aprendizaje
del lenguaje escrito no es el esperado para su grado escolar, tal como se constató con la valoración y la
ejecución de las actividades de intervención, donde se trabajó de manera simultánea la lectura y escritura.
Los resultados evidencian un incremento en la precisión y velocidad de la lectura, es decir el trabajo
focalizado en la ruta fonológica impactó positivamente en la ruta visual, incrementando del repertorio léxico
visual. Por otro lado, se observaron mejoras al escribir palabras pertenecientes a la ortografía natural,
mientras que las palabras correspondientes a la ortografía contextual, aún no se interiorizaron. Se concluye
que el proceso de intervención aplicado permitió desarrollar los procesos léxicos de la lectura y escritura
conforme a los objetivos priorizados, no obstante, aún no se encuentra al nivel esperado para su grado
There are situations that cause general or specific difficulties that affect the regular learning process that require specialized psychoeducational attention. The objective of this case study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the needs of a child of 8 years and 7 months who shows difficulties in the lexical processes of reading and writing. Difficulties in the low-level processes of reading and writing indicate that previous skills have not been consolidated, such as phonological awareness and alphabetic knowledge; affecting the automation of the grapheme-phoneme conversion rules. Consequently, the profile of skills for learning written language is not what was expected for their grade level, as was verified with the assessment and execution of the intervention activities, where reading and writing were worked on simultaneously. The results show an increase in the precision and speed of reading, that is, the work focused on the phonological path had a positive impact on the visual path, increasing the visual lexical repertoire. On the other hand, improvements were observed when writing words belonging to the natural spelling, while the words corresponding to the contextual spelling were not yet internalized. It is concluded that the applied intervention process allowed to develop the lexical processes of reading and writing according to the prioritized objectives, however, it is not yet at the expected level for its grade level.
There are situations that cause general or specific difficulties that affect the regular learning process that require specialized psychoeducational attention. The objective of this case study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan according to the needs of a child of 8 years and 7 months who shows difficulties in the lexical processes of reading and writing. Difficulties in the low-level processes of reading and writing indicate that previous skills have not been consolidated, such as phonological awareness and alphabetic knowledge; affecting the automation of the grapheme-phoneme conversion rules. Consequently, the profile of skills for learning written language is not what was expected for their grade level, as was verified with the assessment and execution of the intervention activities, where reading and writing were worked on simultaneously. The results show an increase in the precision and speed of reading, that is, the work focused on the phonological path had a positive impact on the visual path, increasing the visual lexical repertoire. On the other hand, improvements were observed when writing words belonging to the natural spelling, while the words corresponding to the contextual spelling were not yet internalized. It is concluded that the applied intervention process allowed to develop the lexical processes of reading and writing according to the prioritized objectives, however, it is not yet at the expected level for its grade level.
Trastornos del aprendizaje en niños (Educación), Lectura--Dificultades, Escritura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Ortografía--Estudio y enseñanza