Impacto de los cambios morfológicos de la triple frontera Perú-Brasil-Colombia en la territorialidad de estas naciones y sus respectivas relaciones bilaterales (2010-2020)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación busca analizar y examinar los principales estudios
sobre los efectos del cambio climático en las fronteras naturales. Debido al creciente
problema climático, existen fronteras que han sido reconfiguradas, lo cual representa
una alteración de territorio de las naciones involucradas. Por esta razón, el objetivo
es examinar lo que se discute hoy en día en la literatura sobre el impacto de los
cambios morfológicos. Específicamente, la investigación está orientada al estudio de
la triple frontera Perú-Colombia-Brasil y el impacto en la territorialidad de estas
naciones y sus respectivas relaciones bilaterales. Para ello, se plantea que las
fronteras al ser un instrumento importante para los Estados, origina que estos
observen con recelo sus territorios, por lo que cualquier demarcación podría conllevar
una dificultad para las relaciones bilaterales con sus vecinos.
La investigación cuenta con un diseño cualitativo, en el que se examinarán los
principales estudios sobre las dinámicas de las triples fronteras y a la par, las
relaciones bilaterales de las tres naciones involucradas. Ello permite mapear el cómo
se han llevado las relaciones y cómo se han podido ver afectadas por la cuestión
The purpose of this research is to analyze and examine the main studies on the effects of climate change on natural boundaries. Due to the growing climatic problem, there are borders that have been already reconfigured, which represents an alteration of the territory of the nations involved. For this reason, the objective is to examine what is currently discussed in the literature about the impact of morphological changes. Specifically, the research is oriented to the study of the Peru- Colombia-Brazil triple border and the impact on the territoriality of these nations and their respective bilateral relations. For this, it is proposed that borders, being an important instrument for States, cause them to look at their territories with suspicion, so any demarcation could entail a difficulty for bilateral relations with their neighbors. The research has a qualitative design, in which the main studies on the dynamics of the triple borders will be examined and, at the same time, the bilateral relations of the three nations involved. This allows mapping how relationships have been carried out and how they could have been affected by the territorial issue.
The purpose of this research is to analyze and examine the main studies on the effects of climate change on natural boundaries. Due to the growing climatic problem, there are borders that have been already reconfigured, which represents an alteration of the territory of the nations involved. For this reason, the objective is to examine what is currently discussed in the literature about the impact of morphological changes. Specifically, the research is oriented to the study of the Peru- Colombia-Brazil triple border and the impact on the territoriality of these nations and their respective bilateral relations. For this, it is proposed that borders, being an important instrument for States, cause them to look at their territories with suspicion, so any demarcation could entail a difficulty for bilateral relations with their neighbors. The research has a qualitative design, in which the main studies on the dynamics of the triple borders will be examined and, at the same time, the bilateral relations of the three nations involved. This allows mapping how relationships have been carried out and how they could have been affected by the territorial issue.
Territorio--Perú, Territorio--Brasil, Territorio--Colombia, Fronteras, Relaciones internacionales
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