Análisis de la figura de declaración de desierto en las licitaciones públicas y concursos públicos y su aplicación en resoluciones del Tribunal de Contrataciones del Estado
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de la presente investigación es explicar con mayor detalle la declaratoria de
desierto de las licitaciones públicas y concursos públicos puesto que, a nivel doctrinario,
no existe un estudio que aborde dicho tema con exhaustividad. Para ello, abordaremos las
principales diferencias de los procedimientos de selección, todo esto por la indebida
aplicación del desierto en una resolución del Tribunal de Contrataciones del Estado. El
método de investigación empleado en el desarrollo del presente ensayo es el uso de las
diversas fuentes del derecho como la legislación y la doctrina. Asimismo, nos apoyamos
en diversas directivas de la Dirección Técnico Normativa del OSCE que ahondan con
mayor profundidad en los temas propuestos. Las principales conclusiones fueron que, el
único motivo por el cual el procedimiento de una adjudicación simplificada reemplaza a
un concurso público y licitación pública es por la prontitud en la cual culmina la
contratación, ya que tiene menor cuantía, duración del procedimiento, etapas
procedimentales, exigencias y complejidad. Asimismo, en atención a la legislación
comparada, una ventaja de nuestra normativa, en lo que se refiere al desierto, es que
expresamente se menciona que se deben de corregir aquellas causas que originaron que
no se culmine con la contratación; por el contrario, una desventaja es que, a diferencia
con las legislaciones de Chile y España, no se contrata con un postor de manera directa
luego de una segunda convocatoria desierta.
The objective of this research is to explain in greater depth and detail the declaration of void of public tenders, since, at the doctrinal level, there is no study that addresses this issue in an exhaustive way; for this, we will address the main differences in the selection procedures, all this due to the improper application of the desert in a resolution of the State Procurement Court. The research method used in the development of this essay is the use of the various sources of law such as legislation and doctrine. Likewise, we rely on various directives from the OSCE's Technical Normative Directorate that delve more deeply into the proposed topics. The main conclusions were that, the only reason why the simplified award procedure replaces a public tender and public tender is due to the promptness in which the contracting ends, since it has a lower amount, duration of the procedure, procedural stages, demands and complexity. Additionally, in attention to comparative legislation, an advantage of our regulations, as regards the desert, is that it is expressly mentioned that those causes that led to the hiring not being completed must be corrected; on the contrary, a disadvantage is that, unlike the laws of Chile and Spain, a bidder is not contracted directly after a second void call.
The objective of this research is to explain in greater depth and detail the declaration of void of public tenders, since, at the doctrinal level, there is no study that addresses this issue in an exhaustive way; for this, we will address the main differences in the selection procedures, all this due to the improper application of the desert in a resolution of the State Procurement Court. The research method used in the development of this essay is the use of the various sources of law such as legislation and doctrine. Likewise, we rely on various directives from the OSCE's Technical Normative Directorate that delve more deeply into the proposed topics. The main conclusions were that, the only reason why the simplified award procedure replaces a public tender and public tender is due to the promptness in which the contracting ends, since it has a lower amount, duration of the procedure, procedural stages, demands and complexity. Additionally, in attention to comparative legislation, an advantage of our regulations, as regards the desert, is that it is expressly mentioned that those causes that led to the hiring not being completed must be corrected; on the contrary, a disadvantage is that, unlike the laws of Chile and Spain, a bidder is not contracted directly after a second void call.
Contratos públicos--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Perú, Licitaciones y contratos--Perú
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