Estudio de caso de un niño de 2 años 7 meses con retraso de lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La adquisición del lenguaje oral es un proceso cognitivo importante en el desarrollo evolutivo del ser humano,
ya que le permite relacionarse e interactuar en diferentes contextos, y su adquisición se ve influenciada por el
medio en que el niño se desenvuelve; sin embargo, un niño que presenta dificultades se ve impactado
negativamente en todas las esferas de su vida. Por ello, la importancia de una detección temprana, que permita
una intervención según las necesidades que presenta el niño. Por tanto, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo
diseñar e implementar un plan de evaluación e intervención acorde con las dificultades que presenta un niño
de 2 años 7 meses, con presencia de Retraso de Lenguaje. El retraso de lenguaje es una dificultad en la
adquisición y desarrollo de los componentes del lenguaje (fonológico, léxico semántico, morfosintáctico y
pragmático), que afecta especialmente la expresión y en menor proporción la comprensión. Se enfoca la
intervención en dos componentes, el componente léxico semántico considerando los contenidos de vocabulario
comprensivo expresivo y comprensión de preguntas con encabezadores, y el componente morfosintáctico que
se centró en el seguimiento de instrucciones simples y ampliación de frases. Los resultados evidencian que el
niño es capaz de manejar los elementos del vocabulario comprensivo de todas las categorías programadas;
sin embargo, en el vocabulario expresivo, algunos elementos se encuentran en proceso. Además, logra seguir
indicaciones de una acción más un elemento, y comprende preguntas con encabezadores “¿Qué?”, “¿Quién?”
y “¿Quieres?”. Se concluye que el plan de intervención aplicado permitió al niño mostrar avances en el
componente léxico semántico y morfosintáctico; sin embargo, aún requiere continuar con el proceso de
intervención debido a que no logra verbalizar espontáneamente algunas palabras del vocabulario aprendido,
como tampoco la emisión de frases de 2 elementos de manera consistente.
The acquisition of oral language is an important cognitive process in the evolutionary development of the human being, since it allows them to relate and interact in different contexts, and its acquisition is influenced by the environment in which the child develops; however, a child with difficulties is negatively impacted in all spheres of his life. Therefore, the importance of early detection, which allows intervention according to the needs of the child. Therefore, the present study aims to design and implement an evaluation and intervention plan according to the difficulties presented by a child of 2 years 7 months, with the presence of Language Delay. Language delay is a difficulty in the acquisition and development of language components (phonological, semantic lexicon, morphosyntactic and pragmatic), which especially affects expression and to a lesser extent comprehension. The intervention is focused on two components, the semantic lexical component considering the contents of comprehensive expressive vocabulary and comprehension of questions with headings, and the morphosyntactic component that focused on following simple instructions and extension of sentences. The results show that the child is capable of handling the elements of the comprehensive vocabulary of all the programmed categories; however, in the expressive vocabulary, some elements are in process. In addition, it manages to follow indications of an action plus an element, and understands questions with headings "What?", "Who?" and you want?". It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the child to show progress in the semantic and morphosyntactic lexical component; however, he still needs to continue with the intervention process because he cannot spontaneously verbalize some words of the vocabulary learned, nor do the 2 element phrases consistently.
The acquisition of oral language is an important cognitive process in the evolutionary development of the human being, since it allows them to relate and interact in different contexts, and its acquisition is influenced by the environment in which the child develops; however, a child with difficulties is negatively impacted in all spheres of his life. Therefore, the importance of early detection, which allows intervention according to the needs of the child. Therefore, the present study aims to design and implement an evaluation and intervention plan according to the difficulties presented by a child of 2 years 7 months, with the presence of Language Delay. Language delay is a difficulty in the acquisition and development of language components (phonological, semantic lexicon, morphosyntactic and pragmatic), which especially affects expression and to a lesser extent comprehension. The intervention is focused on two components, the semantic lexical component considering the contents of comprehensive expressive vocabulary and comprehension of questions with headings, and the morphosyntactic component that focused on following simple instructions and extension of sentences. The results show that the child is capable of handling the elements of the comprehensive vocabulary of all the programmed categories; however, in the expressive vocabulary, some elements are in process. In addition, it manages to follow indications of an action plus an element, and understands questions with headings "What?", "Who?" and you want?". It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the child to show progress in the semantic and morphosyntactic lexical component; however, he still needs to continue with the intervention process because he cannot spontaneously verbalize some words of the vocabulary learned, nor do the 2 element phrases consistently.
Niños--Lenguaje--Estudio de casos, Trastornos del habla en niños--Estudio de casos