La incompletitud del sistema normativo y la decisión judicial en el sistema jurídico peruano
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A través de un estudio exploratorio basado en el método hipotético deductivo, el autor
se propone determinar la justificación a la decisión judicial en los casos de lagunas
normativas dentro del ordenamiento jurídico peruano. En ese camino explora aspectos
sustanciales sobre la completitud del derecho, la distinción de lagunas normativas con
otros fenómenos semejantes, el razonamiento analógico y otros métodos de integración
para su solución; para, finalmente, plantear un esquema de corrección racional a la
aplicación del razonamiento analógico según lo dispuesto en el ordenamiento jurídico
En ese interín discute el planteamiento de Alchourrón y Bulygin respecto de la noción
de laguna normativa y caso para el derecho, ampliando esta visión a un plano práctico
que no se vea estrictamente forzado por las formas lógicas.
Through an exploratory study based on the hypothetical deductive method, the author intends to determine the justification for the judicial decision in cases of regulatory gaps within the Peruvian legal system. Along this path he explores substantial aspects of the completeness of the law, the distinction of normative gaps with other similar phenomena, analogical reasoning and other integration methods for their solution; to propose a finally rational correction scheme to the application of analogical reasoning according to the provisions of the Peruvian legal system. In the meantime, he discusses Alchourrón and Bulygin's approach to the notion of a normative gap and a case for law, broadening this vision to a practical level that is not strictly forced by logical forms.
Through an exploratory study based on the hypothetical deductive method, the author intends to determine the justification for the judicial decision in cases of regulatory gaps within the Peruvian legal system. Along this path he explores substantial aspects of the completeness of the law, the distinction of normative gaps with other similar phenomena, analogical reasoning and other integration methods for their solution; to propose a finally rational correction scheme to the application of analogical reasoning according to the provisions of the Peruvian legal system. In the meantime, he discusses Alchourrón and Bulygin's approach to the notion of a normative gap and a case for law, broadening this vision to a practical level that is not strictly forced by logical forms.
Analogía, Derecho--Interpretación, Lógica jurídica, Jueces