Instrumentalización de la organización para la perpetración del delito de lavado de activos por el management empresarial
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La instrumentalización de la organización para la perpetración del delito de lavado de activos por el Management Empresarial tiene escaso análisis en la literatura y no cuenta con una perspectiva holística para su cabal entendimiento. Por ello, esta investigación buscó entender el proceso, la estructura y los mecanismos del fenómeno, para lo cual se imbricaron las perspectivas de la administración, de la psicología y del derecho penal, encaminadas hacia una visión integral de carácter analítico-explicativo a partir de un enfoque cualitativo que aplicó una estrategia de estudio de caso múltiple, basada en el modelo incrustado de Yin (2003), complementado con entrevistas en profundidad, la contrastación teórica y el análisis por un Panel de Expertos para determinar múltiples unidades de análisis a fin de establecer las similitudes y diferencias entre seis casos seleccionados en Ecuador, Colombia y Perú y de esta forma alcanzar la generalización analítica. Las conclusiones obtenidas sobre el fenómeno se lograron a partir de la formulación de 18 proposiciones tentativas que expresan que la instrumentalización de la organización para el LA comprende el proceso por el que activos espurios son integrados al circuito económico legal a partir de la falta de control que facilita la red de relaciones y la cooperación entre personas y organizaciones con identidad de intereses económicos, e involucra también a funcionarios corruptos en el Estado y organizaciones en paraísos fiscales. Los factores endógenos asociados a este fenómeno son: la fractura del ethos corporativo, la deficitaria estructura y control organizacional. En tanto que los factores exógenos encontrados son: la imposibilidad de homogenización de las leyes nacionales y extranjeras y la divergencia de tamaños de las economías entre países. Esta conducta empresarial contraviene el ordenamiento jurídico porque afecta la economía y habilita la represión penal a las personas naturales y la extinción de la organización, por ello su detección y penalización, depende de la fortaleza de los órganos de control gubernamental y la institucionalidad.
The instrumentalization of the organization for the criminal perpetration of money laundering through Business Management, is a phenomenon which has been the focus of very little academic literature. A holistic perspective for understanding the phenomenon is particularly lacking. This research project will try to understand the process, structure and mechanisms of this phenomenon, and in so doing, join the perspectives of administration, psychology and criminal law for an integral vision that is directed towards a comprehensive analytical-explanatory vision. This will be based on a qualitative approach that applies a multiple case study strategy, based on the embedded Yin model (2003), which involved determining multiple units of analysis to track similarities and differences between six cases studied specifically in Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, in order to achieve analytical generalization. The conclusions made about the phenomenon were drawn from 18 tentative proposals and express a money laundering instrumentalization in the organization. These include the processes by which spurious assets are integrated into the legal economic circuit due to the lack of control that facilitates the network of relationships and cooperation between individuals and organizations with identity of economic interests. This also involves corrupt officials in the State and organizations in tax havens. The endogenous factors of this phenomenon are: the fracture of a corporate ethos, a deficient structure and organizational control; while, exogenous factors are: the impossibility of homogenizing laws and divergence in the sizes of the economies between countries. This business conduct contravenes the legal system, affecting the economy and enabling criminal repression of people and extinction of organizations. Therefore its detection and criminalization depends on strength of the governmental and institutional regulating bodies.
The instrumentalization of the organization for the criminal perpetration of money laundering through Business Management, is a phenomenon which has been the focus of very little academic literature. A holistic perspective for understanding the phenomenon is particularly lacking. This research project will try to understand the process, structure and mechanisms of this phenomenon, and in so doing, join the perspectives of administration, psychology and criminal law for an integral vision that is directed towards a comprehensive analytical-explanatory vision. This will be based on a qualitative approach that applies a multiple case study strategy, based on the embedded Yin model (2003), which involved determining multiple units of analysis to track similarities and differences between six cases studied specifically in Ecuador, Colombia and Peru, in order to achieve analytical generalization. The conclusions made about the phenomenon were drawn from 18 tentative proposals and express a money laundering instrumentalization in the organization. These include the processes by which spurious assets are integrated into the legal economic circuit due to the lack of control that facilitates the network of relationships and cooperation between individuals and organizations with identity of economic interests. This also involves corrupt officials in the State and organizations in tax havens. The endogenous factors of this phenomenon are: the fracture of a corporate ethos, a deficient structure and organizational control; while, exogenous factors are: the impossibility of homogenizing laws and divergence in the sizes of the economies between countries. This business conduct contravenes the legal system, affecting the economy and enabling criminal repression of people and extinction of organizations. Therefore its detection and criminalization depends on strength of the governmental and institutional regulating bodies.
Investigación cualitativa, Instrumentalización de la organización, Lavado de activos--América latina