Solo, luego conmigo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
“Solo, luego conmigo” (2021) es un cortometraje colectivo experimental que
cuenta la historia de 4 jóvenes que se preguntan sobre lo que es la soledad,
adentrándose en una exploración personal para descubrir más sobre este
sentimiento que de pronto los domina. Búsquedas en internet, actividades
cotidianas y cuestiones o reflexiones acerca del tema, son algunas situaciones
por las que pasan absolutamente solas, sobre todo en sus hogares, lugar que
frecuentan más que cualquiera a raíz de la pandemia mundial en la que se
desarrolla esta historia. Identificar si lo que sienten es positivo, negativo o de
alguna otra forma los hará aventurarse en una autoexploración muy distinta
una de la otra, lo cual dará a conocer diferentes perspectivas y experiencias
sobre lo que es sentir la soledad en la actualidad.
"Alone, then with me" (2021) is an experimental collective short film that tells the story of 4 young people who wonder what loneliness is, entering a personal exploration to discover more about this feeling that suddenly dominates them. Internet searches, daily activities and questions or reflections on the topic are some situations they go through absolutely alone, especially in their homes, a place that they frequent more than anyone as a result of the global pandemic in which this story unfolds. Identifying if what they feel is positive, negative or in some other way will make them venture into a self-exploration very different from each other, which will reveal different perspectives and experiences about what it is to feel lonely today.
"Alone, then with me" (2021) is an experimental collective short film that tells the story of 4 young people who wonder what loneliness is, entering a personal exploration to discover more about this feeling that suddenly dominates them. Internet searches, daily activities and questions or reflections on the topic are some situations they go through absolutely alone, especially in their homes, a place that they frequent more than anyone as a result of the global pandemic in which this story unfolds. Identifying if what they feel is positive, negative or in some other way will make them venture into a self-exploration very different from each other, which will reveal different perspectives and experiences about what it is to feel lonely today.
Cortometraje--Producción y dirección, Cortometrajes peruanos, Jóvenes--Aspectos psicologicos
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