Estudio de caso de un estudiante de 4º grado de primaria con dificultad en los procesos léxicos y sintácticos de la lectura y léxico ortográfico de la escritura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La lectura y la escritura son habilidades cognitivas imprescindibles para la adquisición del aprendizaje escolar,
sin embargo, hay estudiantes que presentan discrepancia significativa entre su potencial intelectual y su
nivel de logro en el proceso de adquisición de habilidades instrumentales. El objetivo del presente estudio de
caso es diseñar un plan de evaluación e intervención para un niño de 10 años con dificultades en los procesos
léxicos y sintácticos de la lectura y léxico ortográficos de la escritura. La intervención se realiza tomando en
cuenta que aún no conoce el nombre y sonido de varias letras, no ha logrado automatizar la regla de conversión
fonema- grafema y grafema – fonema y no respeta signos de puntuación al leer y escribir. De acuerdo con
estas y otras necesidades se comenzó a trabajar en simultáneo los procesos perceptivos y léxicos, centrando
mayor empeño en el trabajo de habilidades fonológicas y posteriormente los procesos sintácticos de la lectura.
Al término de las 24 sesiones se evidencia mejoría, el niño ha logrado identificar el nombre y sonido de letras
en su totalidad. El trabajo integrado de lectura y escritura con el desarrollo de habilidades fonológicas, han
permitido efectivizar el uso de las reglas de conversión grafema – fonema, mejorando su precisión y velocidad.
Se concluye que el plan de intervención aplicado permitió al niño lograr avances en los procesos de bajo y alto
nivel de la lectura y en los procesos léxico ortográfico de la escritura
Reading and writing are essential cognitive skills for the acquisition of school learning, however, there are students who present a significant discrepancy between their intellectual potential and their level of achievement in the process of acquiring instrumental skills. The objective of this case study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan for a 10-year-old boy with difficulties in the lexical and syntactic processes of reading and the orthographic lexicon of writing. The intervention is carried out taking into account that he still does not know the name and sound of several letters, he has not been able to automate the rule of phoneme-grapheme and grapheme-phoneme conversion, and he does not respect punctuation marks when reading and writing. According to these and other needs, the perceptual and lexical processes began to work simultaneously, focusing more effort on the work of phonological skills and later on the syntactic processes of reading. At the end of the 24 sessions, improvement is evident, the child has managed to identify the name and sound of letters in their entirety. The integrated work of reading and writing with the development of phonological skills has made it possible to make the use of the grapheme-phoneme conversion rules effective, improving their precision and speed. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the child to achieve progress in the processes of low and high level of reading and in the lexical orthographic processes of writing.
Reading and writing are essential cognitive skills for the acquisition of school learning, however, there are students who present a significant discrepancy between their intellectual potential and their level of achievement in the process of acquiring instrumental skills. The objective of this case study is to design an evaluation and intervention plan for a 10-year-old boy with difficulties in the lexical and syntactic processes of reading and the orthographic lexicon of writing. The intervention is carried out taking into account that he still does not know the name and sound of several letters, he has not been able to automate the rule of phoneme-grapheme and grapheme-phoneme conversion, and he does not respect punctuation marks when reading and writing. According to these and other needs, the perceptual and lexical processes began to work simultaneously, focusing more effort on the work of phonological skills and later on the syntactic processes of reading. At the end of the 24 sessions, improvement is evident, the child has managed to identify the name and sound of letters in their entirety. The integrated work of reading and writing with the development of phonological skills has made it possible to make the use of the grapheme-phoneme conversion rules effective, improving their precision and speed. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the child to achieve progress in the processes of low and high level of reading and in the lexical orthographic processes of writing.
Lectura (Educación primaria)--Estudio de casos, Escritura (Educación primaria)--Estudio de casos, Lectura--Dificultades--Estudio de casos, Educación primaria--Aspectos psicológicos--Estudio de casos