Pañuelo Blanco: un abordaje desde lo visual y lo sonoro
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Pañuelo Blanco es un cortometraje de ficción que narra la historia de Adela, una
joven bailarina de marinera, quien empieza a cuestionar la tradicionalidad de este
baile típico debido a que no le es posible bailar junto a su pareja Berenice. Creemos
que es necesario mostrar contenidos audiovisuales en donde se represente una
diversidad sexual alejada de estereotipos negativos, discursos de odio y de
censura. Mediante este trabajo se busca principalmente visibilizar a una pareja
lésbica, ya que, en comparación con las historias entre dos hombres, las historias
entre dos mujeres siguen siendo escasas y poco visibles en la industria audiovisual
peruana. A través de las áreas de fotografía, arte y sonido, buscamos cuestionar la
heteronormatividad y roles de género marcados que existe en espacios de nuestra
Panuelo Blanco is a fictional short film that tells the story of Adela, a young marinera dancer, who begins to question the traditionality of this typical dance because she is unable to dance with her girlfriend, Berenice. We believe that it is necessary to show audiovisual content where a sexual diversity is represented, far from negative stereotypes, hate speech and censorship. This project mainly seeks to make a lesbian couple visible, since compared to the stories between two men, the stories between two women are still scarce and not very visible in the Peruvian audiovisual industry. Through the areas of photography, art, and sound design, we seek to question the heteronormativity and marked gender roles that exist in spaces of our daily life.
Panuelo Blanco is a fictional short film that tells the story of Adela, a young marinera dancer, who begins to question the traditionality of this typical dance because she is unable to dance with her girlfriend, Berenice. We believe that it is necessary to show audiovisual content where a sexual diversity is represented, far from negative stereotypes, hate speech and censorship. This project mainly seeks to make a lesbian couple visible, since compared to the stories between two men, the stories between two women are still scarce and not very visible in the Peruvian audiovisual industry. Through the areas of photography, art, and sound design, we seek to question the heteronormativity and marked gender roles that exist in spaces of our daily life.
Roles sexuales, Género, Estereotipo (Psicología social)
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