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Tesis de la Escuela de Posgrado


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    Diseño de un transportador personal eléctrico auto-equilibrante
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-04-28) Marchan Trinidad, Jherson David; Moran Cardenas, Antonio Manuel
    Se elaboró el diseño de un transportador personal eléctrico auto-equilibrante sobre 2 ruedas para el cual se realizó un nuevo modelo matemático basado en las leyes de Newton, se realizó el diseño el sistema de estabilización y desplazamiento mediante un diseño de control óptimo LQR , se realizó un diseño de la propuesta de implementación donde se seleccionaron los motores eléctricos, el chasis, baterías, el sensor inercial MPU9250 y el controlador principal STM32 (ARM Córtex de 32 bits) como componentes principales, así mismo se generó un seudocódigo para la programación del controlador principal. Respecto al diseño de control, según las simulaciones de la respuesta en el tiempo en el software Matlab2021a, se verificaron que los tiempos de asentamiento para el control de trayectoria y estabilidad se encuentran alrededor de los 3 segundos, los sobreimpulsos para la posición lineal son menores al 0.5% de la referencia, así mismo se comprobó según las simulaciones que el transportador realiza el seguimiento de diversas trayectorias manteniéndose en equilibrio. En una futura etapa de implementación, este diseño de transportador será una alternativa para el transporte de personas con dificultad para guiar su trayectoria de traslado (como turistas, visitantes a algún establecimiento, supervisores que no conozcan el área, alumnos que no conozcan ubicaciones de sus aulas, personas con dificultad para trasladarse, entre otros).
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    Nonlinear adaptive observer design for a reverse osmosis plant
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-11-11) Korder, Kristina; Pérez Zúñiga, Carlos Gustavo
    This thesis proposes a novel approach for a nonlinear adaptive observer design applied to a reverse osmosis desalination plant. The considered mathematical model of the de- salination system includes nonlinearities of the states and the parameters that cannot be handled with previously published estimation methods which are based on the mod- ulating function technique. Therefore, the proposed real-time capable approach uses a decoupled parameter estimator and state observer. These estimates can be utilized for developing a controller or a fault detection system of the desalination plant with the aim of improving the quality and effort of fresh water production. The parameter estimator is composed of a convolution filter with modulating func- tions and the common Extended Kalman-Bucy Filter in order to estimate nonlinear parameters of a state-linear input/output relation. To receive a regression form of the nonlinear system for the state observer and to avoid the necessity of time-derivatives of the measured input and output signals, a linearization by means of the Taylor se- ries and the modulating function technique are applied. The estimates can be non- asymptotically obtained by using a sliding window of finite length. This procedure allows a continuous and recursive update of the state estimates and extends the possi- ble applications of the modulating function technique to nonlinear systems. Comparative simulations are executed with the considered nonlinear system of a reverse osmosis desalination plant. Distinct scenarios with respect to the parameter change and the impact of noise are examined. The parameter and state coupled Ex- tended Kalman-Bucy Filter shows an asymptotic convergence of its estimates, whereas the decoupled proposed adaptive observer confirms its non-asymptotic behavior by fast estimation results.
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    Implicit IDA-PBC Design and Implementation for a Portal Crane System
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-11-12) Vidal Sandoval, Jesus Enrique; Villota Cerna, Elizabeth Roxana; Cieza Aguirre, Oscar B.; Reger, Johann
    Interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control (IDA-PBC) is a wellknown technique which regulates the behavior of nonlinear systems, assigning a target port-Hamiltonian (pH) structure to the closed-loop. In underactuated mechanical systems (UMSs) its application requires the satisfaction of matching conditions, which in many cases demands to solve partial differential equations (PDEs). Only recently, the IDA-PBC has been extended to UMSs modeled implicitly, where the system dynamics in pH representation are described by a set of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs). In some system classes this implicit approach allows to circumvent the PDE problem and also to design an output-feedback law. The present thesis deals with the design and implementation of the total energy shaping implicit IDA-PBC on a portal crane system located at the laboratory of the Control Engineering Group at TU-Ilmenau. The implicit controller is additionally compared with a simplified (explicit) IDA-PBC [1]. This algorithm shapes the total energy and avoids the PDE problem. However, this thesis reveales a significant implementation flaw in the algorithm, which then could be solved.