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Tesis de la Escuela de Posgrado


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    A study of well-posedness in inverse optimal control
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-06-04) Canelo Solórzano, César Aldo; Tafur Sotelo, Julio César
    En esta tesis de maestría, se aborda el problema de identificar los parámetros de ponderación en las funciones de coste definidas por un problema de control óptimo. Debido a la naturaleza del problema, abordado como un problema inverso, el enfoque de este trabajo es asegurar el buen planteamiento de los problemas de control óptimo inverso, un aspecto crucial que garantiza la viabilidad, unicidad y estabilidad de las funciones de coste estimadas. El estudio emplea la metodología del regulador cuadrático lineal (LQR) dentro de un sistema lineal. Un aspecto central de esta investigación es la determinación de los parámetros Q y R en el enfoque LQR, que desempeñan un papel fundamental en la definición de la eficiencia y la eficacia del sistema de control. La tesis examina cómo pueden elegirse óptimamente estos parámetros y el impacto que tienen en el rendimiento del sistema. Además, el estudio explora el uso de restricciones para mejorar la respuesta transitoria del sistema, un factor importante en el diseño de sistemas de control, garantizando que el sistema alcance rápida y eficazmente los requisitos de diseño deseados. En este trabajo se propone un enfoque de dos niveles para resolver el problema de control óptimo inverso. Se trata de utilizar programación semidefinida para recuperar los parámetros de la función de coste y evaluar la optimalidad de la solución. Además, se aborda el problema para encontrar las condiciones para minimizar la función de coste, estimando los parámetros Q y R a partir de las leyes de control observadas, y aplicando restricciones para la optimización. Se concluye con resultados que demuestran la mejora de la respuesta del sistema y un método alternativo que reduce la dependencia de la matriz de ganancia K.
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    Análisis de estabilidad de sistemas lineales singulares con saltos markovianos con probabilidades de transición parcialmente conocidas
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021-11-16) Guerrero Abrill, Jorge Christian; Chávez Fuentes, Jorge Richard
    In this work sufficient conditions for stochastic stability of Markov jump linear singular systems (MJLSS) with partially known transition probabilities are presented. The conditions introduced are based on linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) which can be solved by a numerical computing software. In the MJLSS that is part of this study, the parameters of the matrices of the left and right side of the state equation of the system are not governed by the same Markov state. Therefore, this system is different compared with other MJLSS presented in most of the literature. In order to develop new stability conditions, first, the existence and uniqueness of solution of an MJLSS is addressed. Subsequently, it is introduced a new stability condition for MJLSS with known transition probabilities based on LMIs and the dynamics decomposition form. Two new stability conditions for MJLSS with partially known transition probabilities are presented, one is based on the dynamics decomposition form and the other one is based on the Weierstrass decomposition form. Finally, the relationship between these two approaches is shown. Examples are provided in order to validate the proposed stability conditions.
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    Optimal control for polynomial systems using the sum of squares approach
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-10-16) Vilcarima Sabroso, Carlos Alberto; Reger, Johann
    The optimal control in linear systems is a widely known problem that leads to the solution of one or two equations of Ricatti. However, in non-linear systems is required to obtain the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation (HJB) or variations, which consist of quadratic first order and partial differential equations, that are really difficult to solve. On the other hand, many non-linear dynamical systems can be represented as polynomial functions, where thanks to abstract algebra there are several techniques that facilitate the analysis and work with polynomials. This is where the sum-of-squares approach can be used as a sufficient condition to determine the positivity of a polynomial, a tool that is used in the search for suboptimal solutions of the HJB equation for the synthesis of a controller. The main objective of this thesis is the analysis, improvement and/or extension of an optimal control algorithm for polynomial systems by using the sum of squares approach (SOS). To do this, I will explain the theory and advantages of the sum-of-squares approach and then present a controller, which will serve as the basis for our proposal. Next, improvements will be added in its performance criteria and the scope of the controller will be extended, so that rational systems can be controlled. Finally an alternative will be presented for its implementation, when it is not possible to measure or estimate the state-space variables of the system. Additionally, some examples that validated the results are also presented.
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    Solution of fractional linear and bilinear time invariant system via formal power series methods
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-02-20) Winter Arboleda, Irina Michelle; Chávez Fuentes, Jorge Richard
    The area of fractional calculus is more than three centuries old but applications have only appeared in the past few decades. Differential equations of non-integer order are known to represent certain physical processes in a more precise way than using the usual differential equations with integer order. Therefore, considering fractional calculus in the context of input- output systems can be beneficial. A useful representation of an input-output map in control theory is the Chen-Fliess functional series or Fliess operator. It can be viewed as a generalization of a Taylor series, and its algebraic nature is especially well suited for several important applications. In this thesis, a general solution for a fractional linear and bilinear time invariant system via formal power series methods and Fliess operators is presented. A mathematical model (that includes a differential equation) for an input-output linear and bilinear time invariant system is very well known, both the explicit solution and the one using formal power series. However, the question of how this system behaves when a fractional differential equation (where the derivative is of a non-integer order) has not been yet studied from the power series point of view. This thesis focuses on two specific kind of derivatives, one using Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives and the other using Caputo fractional derivatives.
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    Rapid continuous-time identification of linear and nonlinear systems using modulation function approaches
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-03-09) Cieza Aguirre, Oscar Benjamín; Reger, Johann
    At the present, system identification through modulation functions has a wide range of methods. Many of them have reached maturity levels that surpass customary Kalmanfilter approaches for discrete-time identification. In this thesis, the modulation function technique is analyzed in view of its real-time capability, as well as the possible unification of the modulation function methods based on the frequency spectrum, and ability to deal with nonlinearities. Besides, to increase the rate of convergence, the optimal parameter estimation with constraints of Byrski et al. [BFN03] is applied on integrable and convolvable systems. Furthermore, the modulated white Gaussian noise influence on linear systems is examined. The proposed methods together with the Loab-Cahen modulation functions are compared in performance for linear and convolvable systems concerning three different inputs, three normalizations, identification parameters and computational cost.
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    Regularidad y estabilidad de sistemas lineales con saltos markovianos en tiempo discreto
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016-06-09) Mayta Guillermo, Jorge Enrique; Chávez Fuentes, Jorge Richard
    En este trabajo se analizan la regularidad y estabilidad de los sistemas lineales con saltos markovianos (SLSM). Se asume que la cadena de Markov que gobierna estos sistemas es homogénea y que su espacio de estados es finito. Por su novedad, importancia teórica y utilidad práctica, estamos particularmente interesados en los sistemas singulares, es decir, en aquellos SLSM donde aparece una matriz singular en el lado izquierdo de la ecuación dinámica. Si esta matriz no aparece, el sistema se conoce como no singular. Varios conceptos de estabilidad estocástica son introducidos en el capítulo 1. Se prueba que ellos son equivalentes y se establecen resultados algebraicos implementables computacionalmente que permiten determinar la estabilidad de un SLSM no singular. El capítulo 2 está dedicado a los sistemas singulares. La mayoría de los resultados obtenidos en el capítulo 1 son extendidos aquí. Vale la pena mencionar que esta extensión no es trivial, pues la singularidad representa una valla técnica que es muy difícil de superar. La estabilidad casi segura, que es la noción más importante de estabilidad desde el punto de vista práctico, es analizada en el capítulo 3 para sistemas SLSM singulares. Con el propósito de hacer este trabajo auto contenido, se ha añadido un anexo al final de la tesis.