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Tesis de la Escuela de Posgrado
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Item Planeamiento estratégico para el sector de energía eólica del Perú(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-09-05) Martínez San Martín, Roberto; Columbus Miyasato, Christian Eduardo; Del Rio Mendoza, María Susana; Esquivel Sosa, Paul Steven; Zambrano Aranda, Gloria María ReginaEl presente Plan Estratégico para el sector de generación de energía eólica ha sido escrito proyectándolo a un plazo de desarrollo de diez años hasta el 2028. Este estudio busca la interrelación entre todos los actores del sector con la finalidad de lograr el crecimiento de la industria en el Perú y la internacionalización de la misma. Para alcanzar los objetivos a largo plazo trazados se definieron estrategias que se implementarán a corto y mediano plazo. Desde el 2008, con apoyo del Estado, se iniciaron procesos para la implementación de proyectos basados en energía eólica y otros tipos de energías renovables. En el año 2016, la energía eólica representó el 2.2% del total de la energía generada en el país y cuenta con proyección de crecimiento, dado que el Perú posee un gran potencial de este recurso renovable. La creciente demanda nacional y el desabastecimiento de energía eléctrica en algunas zonas del territorio peruano, especialmente en las zonas rurales, sumado al gran potencial eólico del Perú, en lugares como Ica, Cajamarca, Lambayeque, Piura, La Libertad, etc., representan un escenario ideal para atraer inversionistas nacionales y extranjeros que propicien el desarrollo del sector de la generación de energía eólica en el país. Como consecuencia del desarrollo e implementación del presente plan estratégico y el análisis realizado del sector de generación de energía eólica, se plantea la implementación de estrategias específicas, a través de las cuales se alcanzarán los objetivos de largo plazo orientados a incrementar las ventas, maximizar la rentabilidad y generar mayor empleabilidad dentro del sector de generación de energía eólica en el PerúItem CFD analysis of performance and downstream vortices on a savonius typer vertical axis wind turbine(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2016-04-06) Guignard, NathanSince the turn of the century, the talk about the limited reserve of fossil fuels and the effects of their burning on our climate has become a major topic of the media. The evidence is staggering and as a consequence most of our world’s countries have started an energy transition. The main goal is to get away from fossil fuels and use “renewable energies”, so called because the resources are constantly renewed and compared to fossil fuels seem infinite. Energies such as solar, wind, biomass and geothermal are examples of such sources of renewables. Denmark is the current leader in wind generated electricity, California and Spain are showing how to harness the power of the Sun, and all those efforts to generate more with renewables has to be matched with the effort to make those solutions more efficient and more attractive to other countries who still view fossil fuels as the easy solution and keep on using them. With the knowledge available now renewables it feels for some that burning fossil fuels is a primitive solution. Nonetheless it should be the duty of engineers to enlarge and better that knowledge for everyone to use. Now more specifically about wind energy. Humans have harvested the energy in the wind for more than 2000 years (the Persians used windmills around 200 B.C.) and with time our technology has improved. They have designed incredible new machines such as the Savonius and Darreus type turbines and their knowledge of fluid dynamics has permitted the implementation of new streamlined blades that harvest more energy from the wind. Albert Betz has shown that a maximum of 59% was the limit for the efficiency of a wind-turbine. They have been getting closer to this number with the years but there is still room for improvement on certain types of turbines. Vertical axis wind turbines (or VAWTs) have always been considered not as suitable for energy production as horizontal type wind turbines. It is true because not all blades are exposed to the wind at all times (like in a horizontal axis wind turbine), but new studies have proved that streamlining the blades a certain way and adding a wing like thickness to them improved the overall efficiency of the turbine. Knowing that and considering that HAWTs are significantly cheaper to produce and maintain than HAWTS, it makes them a more viable solution notably for local decentralized production in isolated areas of the world.That leads to Peru. Peru is a fast growing still yet a 3rd world country. Its potential for renewable energies production (especially wind energy) is tremendous, yet the great amount of gas and oil available in the underground and them coming at a cheap price does not encourage the government to subsidize renewables. It leaves Peru dependent on foreign investments to develop this sector and takes away a great opportunity to forego its energetical transition and get ahead of competition in South America. Some projects have surfaced notably in northern Peru, in the Trujillo region, but there are few compared to the mega industry of oil and gas. This thesis paper has for goal to further the knowledge of wind turbines in the context of hoping to change Peru’s view on their use and also for the world to use as a database for further research and other works.