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Item Diagnostico operativo del grupo Sánchez Cabrera(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020-07-17) Chauca Tapia, Pamela Azucena; Caballero Bustamante, Claudia Isabel; Rojas Trauco, Grecia Stefany; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoLa presente investigación estuvo orientada a realizar el diagnóstico operativo empresarial de la estación de servicios Finlandia del grupo Sánchez Cabrera, orientado a encontrar oportunidades de mejora y establecer un conjunto de lineamientos para la gestión empresarial estableciendo eficiencias y por consiguiente mejorando la competitividad de su proceso productivo. La investigación tiene 15 capítulos de investigación ordenados secuencialmente que abarcan el diagnóstico de las operaciones de la comercializadora de combustibles, incluyéndose un cúmulo de propuestas de mejora planteadas para su implementación. Inicialmente se describe información relevante respecto a las características organizacionales y operativas de la comercializadora de combustibles, además de la distribución de la planta, el planeamiento de sus recursos y procesos, el diseño de sus productos, calidad, mantenimiento y finalmente de la cadena de suministros. Implementando las propuestas, con una inversión de S/ 360,000, se obtendrían beneficios y ahorros. Para el primer año las mayores utilidades sumaron S/ 160,644, que representa el 29.34% de la utilidad bruta de este negocio obtenida en el 2016, haciendo que obtenga costos competitivos en el mercado, que opere con un equipo más productivo, que cuente con recursos humanos mejor capacitados y en la cantidad adecuada para hacer frente a un mercado de hidrocarburos actual, y con bases para generar crecimientos más escalonados en los próximos años, ofreciéndose a los clientes servicios de mejor de calidad a costos más bajos.Item Business consulting – empresa Fiberlux S.A.C.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-10-25) Hidalgo Herrera, Alan Hubert; Vanegas García, Jorge Andrés; Pastusiak, Paulina Aurelia; Obregón Grillo, Rubén Jesús; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoEl presente informe de consultoría se realizó para Fiberlux, una empresa dedicada a brindar servicios de conectividad digital a través de fibra óptica en el territorio nacional. El objetivo fue analizar la situación actual de la empresa e identificar un problema clave para ser evaluado y presentar propuestas de solución. Después de un análisis exhaustivo de la situación general de la empresa, del contexto donde se desenvuelve la industria y del análisis externo y análisis interno, se identificó que el problema clave que afronta es la entrega de las instalaciones fuera de plazo acordado con los clientes. En el año 2018 el 59% de las instalaciones registraron un retraso promedio de 45 días. Este problema es relevante porque una de las acciones estratégicas de la compañía para alcanzar sus objetivos a largo plazo es, incrementar a nivel nacional la red de fibra óptica propia, acompañada de un excelente nivel de servicio que hoy en día no lo tiene. En términos económicos en el 2018 el no cumplir con los plazos de entrega trajo las siguientes contingencias: (a) en los plazos de entrega se perdieron clientes por una facturación equivalente a 461,000 dólares al año; (b) se dejó de facturar por días de atraso un aproximado de 370,000 dólares al año; (c) se pagaron penalidades por incumplimiento de plazos de 120,000 dólares y (e) se invirtió 250,000 dólares adicionales al año en pagos de sueldos para dar respuesta a los reclamos de los clientes. Para solucionar el problema se plantearon cuatro proyectos que buscan eliminar la causa raíz: (a) desarrollar la comunicación efectiva; (b) fomentar la responsabilidad compartida; (c) mejorar el perfil ocupacional y (d) mejorar la planificación y control de instalaciones. La implementación de estos proyectos requiere una inversión de 56,000 dólares de los cuales Fiberlux tiene que desembolsar 38,000 dólares. El tiempo total de implementación de los cuatro proyectos es 27 semanas, siendo las rutas críticas de ejecución el desarrollo de softwares y la evaluación de competencias de puestos claves de la organización. Se espera que al implementar las soluciones recomendadas la empresa sea capaz de reducir sus plazos de entrega a 45 días y 30 días que son los plazos acorde a empresas del sector dependiendo del tipo de producto o servicios instalado.Item Business consulting - LR Accesorios & Moda Textil SAC generación de flujo de caja positivo mediante la implementación de CRM integrado a un sistema de cobranzas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-09-10) Arana Cappelletti, Reinhard Eduardo; Gabriele Ruesta, Miguel Emilio; Galarza Hidalgo, Karina Milagros; Ruiz Bocanegra, Diego Roger; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoLR Accesorios & Moda Textil S.A.C. es una empresa formada en el año 2011, que se encuentra dentro del sector textil confecciones, se dedica a la comercialización de botones de poliéster, accesorios de zamak y latón, encajes, bolillos, broches y cintas para mercado nacional y también para empresas exportadoras. Esta empresa es una parte de la cadena de suministro de productos textiles pues se comporta como un insumo para la fabricación de un producto final que son las prendas de vestir. Business Consulting Group realizó un análisis acerca de la situación actual de la empresa, en conjunto con la gerente general, la Sra. Liz Rojas, se identificó que el problema principal que tienen es la generación de flujos de caja positivos. Adicionalmente, durante la evaluación de la empresa, se encontró que otro de sus inconvenientes, es tener bajos ingresos por ventas, con lo cual se dificulta seguir invirtiendo y por ende seguir creciendo. Cabe mencionar, que luego del análisis realizado y del conocimiento de las causas del problema principal, se realizó un procedimiento para poder identificar posibles soluciones que le permitan a la empresa no solo revertir estos problemas, sino que también permita repotenciar sus ventas efectivas y frenar su problema de caja. En este sentido, se tiene como propuesta de solución un proyecto de implementación de un CRM integrado a un sistema de cobranzas. Esto ayudará a la empresa a tener una mejor gestión y conocimiento de sus clientes y que las ventas sean más efectivas, no sólo incrementando su nivel, sino que el ingreso vaya directo a la caja de la empresa. Es importante mencionar que este proyecto tiene un costo de inversión inicial de S/ 47 000, el cual de acuerdo con los flujos proyectados tendría un periodo de recuperación menor a un año.Item Business consulting – Electro Ferro Centro S.A.C. plan de mejora en el retorno sobre ventas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019-07-10) Curro Belleza, Álvaro; Huapalla Alva, Alfredo Mario; Larco Caro, Katherine Ivett; Ríos Garcia, Graciela María Fe; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoElectro Ferro Centro (EFC) es una empresa con más de 48 años en el mercado liderando la gestión de abastecimiento de suministros industriales en mantenimiento, reparación y operaciones (MRO), atendiendo a las principales empresas y proyectos del país en los sectores de minería, construcción, petróleo, entre otros. La empresa ha experimentado un crecimiento acelerado mayor al 20% anual desde el año 2010, enfocándose en un servicio personalizado y a medida del cliente, situación que propició el incremento de recursos humanos y económicos a lo largo de dichos años. A partir de las entrevistas realizadas a los principales directivos, el análisis situacional de la organización y sus objetivos a largo plazo, se identifica como problema principal que el retorno sobre las ventas está por debajo de lo previsto en el presupuesto anual, situación que ocurre desde hace tres años. Las soluciones propuestas se enfocan en dos aspectos. Primero, realizar una gestión de proveedores basada en la segmentación, tomando en cuenta el impacto financiero y el riesgo de suministro que cada uno representa. Segundo, rediseñar estratégicamente la Gestión de Desarrollo Humano (GDH) centrada en la atracción y retención del talento. Ambas permitirán mejorar la eficiencia de la utilización de los recursos relacionados al costo de ventas y gastos operativos, las cuales impactan directamente al ratio del retorno sobre las ventas. La implementación de ambas propuestas lograría incrementar el ratio de 1.8% a 3% en un plazo estimado de dos años, de acuerdo al cronograma presentado. La inversión estimada asciende a US $280,500.Item Consulting report – Club Regatas Lima – optimization of invoicing management(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-09-24) Ashcallay Samaniego, Gabriela Guadalupe; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoRegatas Lima Club is a sports and recreational club that was founded in 1875. It is the oldest and largest club in Peru. After more than 100 years of existence, it has diversified into more than 40 different disciplines that members can practice. Regatas Lima Club started in Chorrillos where its headquarters is located, nonetheless, it did not stop growing and currently operates 5 more subsidiaries, distributed along Lima and other provinces of Peru. Regatas Lima Club is defined as a not-for-profit organization because its major goal is to provide members with high-quality sports facilities and availability of services. For this reason, the organization has to acquire different kinds of equipment and infrastructure for each special discipline. As a consequence, the Club has to work with high numbers of suppliers in order to maintain its reputation. Therefore, the problem identified through an internal and external analysis was the invoicing management inefficiency in the Department of Finance and Accounting, which controls all invoices of the whole organization. The consulting process focused on proposing short-term and long-term solutions for Regatas Lima Club, based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis. After assessing the alternatives through a cost and benefit analysis, a final solution is suggested. This proposal includes five principal components in order to optimize the invoicing management in the Finance and Accounting department, which are: specified delivery time, external invoicing only, invoicing excellence, lean processing, and training & clear instructions/workshops. Some additional components are defined and should be considered for a long-term strategy. The implementation plan is designed, taking into consideration, the organization’s time availability, human and material resources, in order to achieve a successful performance.Item Consulting report - Natura Cosmeticos - improvement of consultant's experience(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-09-24) Coaguila Sutti, Tony Ronald; Cusipuma Frisancho, Mayra Carmen; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoNatura is a cosmetics company, which looks to merge cosmetics with personal relationships. The company is located in eight different countries, Peru, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and France. The present consulting report focuses on Natura Peru. The company operates through direct sales, via door-to-door distribution. Therefore, the consultant is a pillar very important in the company. For this reason, the company looks to improve the consultants’ experience, which is the final goal of the consulting project. After the initial analysis of the company´s current situation, the key problem was that Natura has a suboptimal beauty consulting experience. This problem causes claims and represents unnecessary losses for the company. The operational and logistics area are the ones directly involved with the problem. The investigation focus is placed on the picking line, warehouse, and delivery process. The proposed solution addressed the problem in three aspects. Fist, stacking boxes according to the weight, by using a color-coding base on traffic lights. Second, using the XL box sparingly, delivering the small orders in the small or medium boxes and using a bag to deliver the merchandise. Finally, to employ a new cardboard with a layer of wax, in order to be able to protect the boxes from the rain. The proposal is expected to help the company to offer a better consultant experience and build a strong brand. An implementation plan, key success factors, and cost, were proposed to facilitate the application inside the company.Item Consulting report - Lima Airport Partners - free trade zone in Jorge Chavez international airport(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-09-24) Coaguila Gonzales, Antonio Franco; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoThe main objective of the present consulting report is to assess the opportunities and potential impact, considering advantages and challenges, of establishing a Free Trade zone in or around the area of the Jorge Chavez International Airport, in order to support Lima Airport Partners to prepare an initial study that will allow presenting the idea of the project to the Peruvian government. A thorough qualitative and quantitative analysis has been developed in order to identify which are the best practices and characteristics of success cases in Free Trade zones around airports and ports, as in the case of this project. Furthermore, this analysis has also allowed us to identify what is the current praxis in Peru and why the free trade zones do not perform adequately. These analyzes allowed the identification of four main enablers: (a) Legislation and Legal Framework, (b) Management Team, (c) Location and (d) Business Sectors, which were used as the basis for the proposal presented. On this sense, after the assessment it was decided that this Free Trade Zone has to focus on exports, specially taking advantage of the vast number of agricultural products produced in the central and northern region of the country. As well, the main characteristics under which the envisioned Free Trade Zone has to develop its activities have been identified as: (a) work under a single legislation, (b) be operated by a private entity, (c) be strategically located near the airport, port and highway, (d) include four major sectors: logistics, warehousing, manufacturing and trading. Moreover, prior implementing this proposal, it is important that the company has to have the full support of the government. Finally, the potential impact of the proposed Free Trade Zone has been assessed under three main expected outcomes: creation of jobs, increase in exports and further economic development; showing positive results that that support the general idea and objectives of the project.Item Consulting report - Gloria S.A.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018-06-19) Pajares Correa, Brian; Tami Estrada, Fiorella; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoThis consulting report was elaborated in order to find a solution for the problem proposes by the metal packaging managers of Gloria S.A. The main problem is the lack of presence of the Gloria´s metal packaging business in other countries of the region. The purpose is to increase the presence of the business through the expansion of Gloria´s metal packaging business to other countries of the region. The objective for this report is to obtain a final recommendation of where to expand Grupo Gloria´s metal packaging business, how to implement it and the key success factors for the project in order to guarantee the success of the project. This report includes the result of an exhaustive analysis of the current situation of the country using the PESTE information and of the metal packaging industry in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Bolivia. As a result of this analysis Colombia got the highest score with 2.98 points out of 4. Considering the results of the previous evaluation, the best solution is to find more presence in the region by expanding the metal packaging business of Gloria to Colombia. This is because of the attractiveness of its market and the high possibilities of success due to the support of other parties; because Grupo Gloria already has operations in this country; and due to the amounts of investment required that can be aligned to the investment that the company is willing to confront. Moreover, this project presents an implementation plan for the next 17 months that are on hands of the metal packaging team of Peru. This plan considered the next steps that are needed in order to increase the presence of Gloria´s metal packaging business in other countries of the region. The investment of the implementation it’s around 34 million dollars. However, it depends in the further decisions that will be taken.Item Consulting report - Euromotors S.A(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-10-02) Saire Donayre, Juan Diego; Sosa Vera, Cynthia Alejandra; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoEuromotors S.A. is the exclusive brand representative of the Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, and SEAT brands among others within 11 strategic business units in Peru. Since its foundation, the firm has since grown exceptionally in size, scope and sophistication from their original operational function as an automobile importer to their current status engaged in the sale of vehicles, new and used cars, servicing and sale of original spare parts. As a multi-brand firm, it maintains 1,052 employees who function relatively autonomously within each business division for the separate brands. In order to propel the firm forward as a cohesive unit, synergies within need to be created to eliminate the replication of processes and procedures and to ultimately streamline overall organizational function. After a few years of declining profitability, Euromotors is looking at opportunities to improve its competitive position within the Peruvian automotive retail sector, which is rapidly changing and increasingly competitive market. In order to withhold a competitive advantage, a micro-pilot project has been designed within the consulting process, which has taken deep rooted analysis at both the internal and external environmental factors, to be implemented with Euroshop, Euromotors’ most profitable division. A cultural transformation will impact the sales force team of Euroshop; however, before it can be properly administered, overcoming organizational resistance to change must be dealt with. The proposed solution develops method for Euromotors to incrementally overcome the resistance to change in a multi-step system, to increase employee motivation and unity while increasing intrinsic responsibility to function as a team throughout the entire firm. This proposal considers the necessity of maintaining commitment to the strategic goals of the company. Through the development of a strategic map and a KPI based scorecard, the firm will have visibility on the key factors in garnering true change. Project timeframe is estimated in six months and total budget in USD 25,500Item Consulting report – T-Copia S.A.(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2017-10-02) Arroyo, Carlos; Loloy, Silvana; Sánchez Paredes, Sandro AlbertoT-Copia is a Peruvian company with more than 40 years of trajectory, they started providing printing services in their retail stores, and years later, with the technological changes in the industry, they created its second business unit: Digital Solutions. Currently they continue with this two business units, but is one of them which is facing some issues. After reviewing the financial information and interviewing some of the employees of the company, many problems were detected, overall in the first business unit, reason why the whole project is focused in this one. The key problem in here was that during this year only six of the seven stores have achieved the profitability. After analyzing the company not only in a quantitative way, but also in a qualitative one, the conclusion was that the decrease in the sales was produced overall for the lack of training and motivation in the staff, which leaded to a poor customer service. Therefore, the proposed solutions were focused in the improvement of these two fields. Regarding the training it is important to complement the soft skills like team-work or emotional intelligence whit hard skills, given that the company’ services are very particular and require a previous knowledge to provide an accurate customer service. About the motivation, two fields have to be approached; the first one is the extrinsic, which is going to be solved by the company with the regularization of the payments to the staff. The second one is the intrinsic motivation, which is going to be addressed by the Doctrine of 20%, focused on the employees with more potential and commitment, by letting them use the 20% of their working time in innovative projects to save cost or increase the sales of the company. The propose solutions will take in consideration the financial situation of the company, and they will represent no big investment of money, because there will be an exchange of services with other companies