Fueling recognition of opportunities through innovative behavior: mediating role of team entrepreneurial passion and team innovation capacity
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este estudio analizó cómo influye el comportamiento innovador en el reconocimiento de
oportunidades a través de la pasión emprendedora del equipo y la capacidad de innovación
del equipo en un marco pospandémico, apoyando los efectos mediadores de la teoría de la
visión basada en los recursos y la teoría del reconocimiento de oportunidades. En este
contexto, los investigadores enfatizaron en que el comportamiento innovador debe
examinarse como motor del reconocimiento de oportunidades. Sin embargo, a pesar del
creciente interés en la investigación sobre el impacto del comportamiento innovador en el
reconocimiento de oportunidades, los estudios son sorprendentemente escasos. Este estudio
se realizó en Lima, Perú, dentro del principal Clúster Textil-Confección, que concentra el
mayor número de pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) de este sector dentro del país y
en toda América Latina. Los encuestados fueron exclusivamente propietarios, socios con
más de cinco años de experiencia en el sector textil de las empresas (PYMES) de la muestra
seleccionada. Las entrevistas fueron cara a cara y se utilizó un diseño de investigación
transversal utilizando el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales por mínimos cuadrados
parciales (PLS-SEM). Los resultados mostraron que (1) el comportamiento innovador tiene
un efecto positivo y significativo en el reconocimiento de oportunidades, y (2) la pasión
emprendedora del equipo y la capacidad de innovación del equipo median en esta relación.
De esta manera, estos hallazgos enriquecen las teorías y el resultado puede servir como los
aspectos más destacados para la gestión, las políticas diseñadas para el comportamiento
innovador, la pasión emprendedora del equipo, y la capacidad de innovación del equipo en
los negocios que genera una ventaja competitiva, especialmente en los países en desarrollo.
This study analyzed how innovative behavior impacts on the recognition of opportunities through team entrepreneurial passion and team innovation capacity in a post-pandemic framework, supporting the mediating effects by resource-based vision theory and opportunity recognition theory. In this context, researchers emphasized innovative behavior should be examined as a driver to recognize opportunities. However, despite the growing interest in research on the impact of innovative behavior on the recognition of opportunities, studies are surprisingly scarce. This study was conducted in Lima, Peru, within the main Textile- Clothing Cluster, which concentrates the largest number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in this sector within the country and across Latin America. Respondents were exclusively owners, partners with more than five years of experience in the textile sector of the sample companies (SMEs), the interviews were face-to-face and a cross-sectional research design using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used. The findings showed that (1) innovative behavior has a positive and significant effect on the recognition of opportunities, and (2) team entrepreneurial passion and team innovation capacity mediate this relationship. These finding enrich the theories and the result can serve as the highlights for management, policies designed for innovative behavior, team entrepreneurial passion, and team innovation capacity in business that generates a competitive advantage especially in developing countries.
This study analyzed how innovative behavior impacts on the recognition of opportunities through team entrepreneurial passion and team innovation capacity in a post-pandemic framework, supporting the mediating effects by resource-based vision theory and opportunity recognition theory. In this context, researchers emphasized innovative behavior should be examined as a driver to recognize opportunities. However, despite the growing interest in research on the impact of innovative behavior on the recognition of opportunities, studies are surprisingly scarce. This study was conducted in Lima, Peru, within the main Textile- Clothing Cluster, which concentrates the largest number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in this sector within the country and across Latin America. Respondents were exclusively owners, partners with more than five years of experience in the textile sector of the sample companies (SMEs), the interviews were face-to-face and a cross-sectional research design using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used. The findings showed that (1) innovative behavior has a positive and significant effect on the recognition of opportunities, and (2) team entrepreneurial passion and team innovation capacity mediate this relationship. These finding enrich the theories and the result can serve as the highlights for management, policies designed for innovative behavior, team entrepreneurial passion, and team innovation capacity in business that generates a competitive advantage especially in developing countries.
Pequeñas empresas--Innovaciones--Perú, Industria textil--Perú
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