Relación del estilo de liderazgo transformacional con el comportamiento de la voz
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El liderazgo transformacional es una variable que incide favorablemente en el desempeño de
los colaboradores. Mientras que el comportamiento de la voz es una conducta necesaria para
las organizaciones, puesto que implica comentarios y críticas constructivas emitidas por los
subordinados a la líneas de mando superiores orientadas a beneficiar a la organización. Ante
ello la conveniencia del estudio de la influencia del liderazgo transformacional sobre el
comportamiento de voz, considerando la brecha en el conocimiento con respecto a esta
variable en entornos cuya cultura nacional contraiga conductas proactivas en los individuos.
El diseño de la presente investigación correspondió a un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, bajo el
método deductivo, con un paradigma post-positivista, la técnica de investigación fue la
encuesta amparada en instrumentos reconocidos en la literatura por su alta confiabilidad y
validez. Se aplicó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales de primer y segundo orden. Los
resultados del trabajo determinaron que el liderazgo transformacional presenta una relación
directa y positiva sobre el comportamiento de la voz. Esta relación no presentó diferencias
significativas en función de las variables moderadoras género del seguidor y tipo de empresa
en que labora.
Transformational leadership is a variable that affects favorably the behavior of collaborators. While the voice behavior is necessary for organizations, since it implies comments and constructive criticisms issued by the subordinates to the upper lines of command aimed at benefit the organization. Given this, it is convenient studying the influence of transformational leadership on voice behavior considering the gap in knowledge regarding this variable in environments whose national culture does not engage proactive behavior in individuals. The design of the present investigation corresponded to a quantitative study, under the deductive method, with a post-positivist paradigm, the research technique was the survey covered by recognized instruments in the literature for its high reliability and validity. A model of structural equations of first and second order was applied. The results of this research determined that the transformational leadership presents a direct and positive relationship on the voice behavior of the followers, this relationship did not present significant differences regarding the the gender of the employees and the type of company.
Transformational leadership is a variable that affects favorably the behavior of collaborators. While the voice behavior is necessary for organizations, since it implies comments and constructive criticisms issued by the subordinates to the upper lines of command aimed at benefit the organization. Given this, it is convenient studying the influence of transformational leadership on voice behavior considering the gap in knowledge regarding this variable in environments whose national culture does not engage proactive behavior in individuals. The design of the present investigation corresponded to a quantitative study, under the deductive method, with a post-positivist paradigm, the research technique was the survey covered by recognized instruments in the literature for its high reliability and validity. A model of structural equations of first and second order was applied. The results of this research determined that the transformational leadership presents a direct and positive relationship on the voice behavior of the followers, this relationship did not present significant differences regarding the the gender of the employees and the type of company.
Liderazgo, Aprendizaje organizacional