A new perspective of work stress on teaching performance by competencies
Vargas Valdiviezo, Maria Auxiliadora
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación analizó la incidencia del estrés laboral en las competencias que posee el
docente universitario para ejecutar las funciones de docencia, investigación, gestión
académica y de extensión universitaria usando como base investigaciones previas. Esta
investigación adoptó el postulado de la teoría lineal negativa para analizar la incidencia en
los docentes universitarios. En el estudio participaron un total de 400 docentes que laboran
a tiempo completo en las principales universidades públicas y privadas del Ecuador,
escogidos de forma aleatoria. Para recabar información acerca de las variables, se utilizó el
instrumento PSS-10 y la evaluación del desempeño por competencias que fueron aplicados
con una escala de Likert de cinco puntos. Los datos y las relaciones se analizaron mediante
el uso de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales basado en covarianzas a través del método
de Máxima Verosimilitud. Los hallazgos reportados mostraron que el estrés laboral tiene
incidencia significativa en las competencias pedagógica y de gestión académica y que para
las otras competencias, de investigación y extensión universitaria, no se reportaron
resultados estadísticamente significantes. Esta investigación con su abordaje generó un
aporte a las teorías de Administración de Recursos Humanos y de Comportamiento
Organizacional porque brinda a los encargados una visión más completa de la variable
desempeño docente.
This research analyzed the incidence of work stress in university teachers in the competencies of teaching, research, academic management and university extension, and adopted the criterion of the negative linear theory to analyze the impact on university teachers. The random sample consisted of 400 university teachers who work full time in the main public and private universities of Ecuador. The PSS-10 and performance evaluation by competencies research instruments were used, both of which use a five-point Likert scale. Data and relationships were analyzed using a covariance-based structural equation model through the maximum likelihood method. The reported findings showed that work stress has a significant impact on pedagogical and academic management competencies, and that no statistically significant results were reported for the other two competencies, research and university extension. This research and its approach generate a contribution to the theories of human resource management and organizational behavior because it provides managers with a broader view of the higher education teaching performance variable.
This research analyzed the incidence of work stress in university teachers in the competencies of teaching, research, academic management and university extension, and adopted the criterion of the negative linear theory to analyze the impact on university teachers. The random sample consisted of 400 university teachers who work full time in the main public and private universities of Ecuador. The PSS-10 and performance evaluation by competencies research instruments were used, both of which use a five-point Likert scale. Data and relationships were analyzed using a covariance-based structural equation model through the maximum likelihood method. The reported findings showed that work stress has a significant impact on pedagogical and academic management competencies, and that no statistically significant results were reported for the other two competencies, research and university extension. This research and its approach generate a contribution to the theories of human resource management and organizational behavior because it provides managers with a broader view of the higher education teaching performance variable.
Stress en el trabajo, Personal docente--Stress profesional, Aprendizaje (Educación), Trabajo--Aspectos psicológicos