El efecto mediador de la pasión emprendedora sobre la autoeficacia emprendedora y el comportamiento innovador
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las competencias del emprendedor y su entorno son variables necesarias para el
crecimiento y sostenibilidad de los negocios. Muchos emprendedores operan en rubros que
afectan estructuras sociales, laborales y económicas impactando el rumbo empresarial de
diversos sectores económicos. Sin embargo, no se conoce qué competencias estudiadas de
manera conjunta podrían mejorar su desempeño empresarial. En esta investigación, se
analizó el efecto mediador de la pasión emprendedora, una competencia clave en los
empresarios exitosos, en la relación entre la autoeficacia emprendedora y el
comportamiento innovador. Para ello, se empleó el modelamiento de ecuaciones
estructurales de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS-SEM) en una muestra de 358 empresas
medianas y grandes del sector textil en el Emporio Comercial de Gamarra en la Región de
Lima Metropolitana, en el Perú. Los resultados comprobaron el efecto mediador
complementario de la pasión emprendedora en la relación de la autoeficacia emprendedora
y el comportamiento innovador. La contribución teórica a las áreas de la pasión
emprendedora, la autoeficacia emprendedora y el comportamiento innovador fue
comprobar un modelo explicativo y predictivo que podrá ser empleado para futuras
investigaciones en estos campos; la contribución práctica fue el aporte al mejor
entendimiento de las interrelaciones de las variables pasión emprendedora, autoeficacia
emprendedora y comportamiento innovador lo cual influye en el quehacer gerencial de los
emprendedores. Finalmente, con las nuevas necesidades en el ámbito empresarial, es
necesario que se realicen investigaciones que complementen las relaciones explicativas, ya
que el entorno dinámico demanda nuevos requerimientos que nacen con los cambios
sociales, tecnológicos, ambientales y la ciencia no debe ser ajeno a ello.
For the growth and sustainability of companies, favorable conditions for the entrepreneur and his environment are necessary. There are entrepreneurs who operate in important areas that affect labor and social structures and determine the business direction of important economic sectors. However, it is not known what factors could improve their business activity. This study analyzes the mediating effect of entrepreneurial passion, a key trait in successful entrepreneurs, in the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and innovative behavior. For this, the modeling of partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) was used in a sample of 358 medium and large companies. The results showed that there is a significant complementary mediation effect of entrepreneurial passion in the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and innovative behavior. This finding made it possible to advance the understanding of the direct and indirect causes of business behavior. The theoretical proposal of this research is supported by research in other business contexts. A predictive model was created for academia and business to continue improving. Finally, with the new needs in the business environment, it is noteworthy to carry out additional studies that complement the previous explanatory results to continue increasing the understanding of the social, technological, and political factors that affect these relationships.
For the growth and sustainability of companies, favorable conditions for the entrepreneur and his environment are necessary. There are entrepreneurs who operate in important areas that affect labor and social structures and determine the business direction of important economic sectors. However, it is not known what factors could improve their business activity. This study analyzes the mediating effect of entrepreneurial passion, a key trait in successful entrepreneurs, in the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and innovative behavior. For this, the modeling of partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM) was used in a sample of 358 medium and large companies. The results showed that there is a significant complementary mediation effect of entrepreneurial passion in the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and innovative behavior. This finding made it possible to advance the understanding of the direct and indirect causes of business behavior. The theoretical proposal of this research is supported by research in other business contexts. A predictive model was created for academia and business to continue improving. Finally, with the new needs in the business environment, it is noteworthy to carry out additional studies that complement the previous explanatory results to continue increasing the understanding of the social, technological, and political factors that affect these relationships.
Emprendedores--Competencias--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Autoeficacia