Influence of Psychological Capital on Innovation Capacity: An Empirical Study on Banking Institutions
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La capacidad de innovación es un componente clave para que las empresas generen valor
añadido y se expandan a nuevos mercados. En este sentido, es importante encontrar
factores que mejoren la capacidad de innovación. Uno de estos factores es el capital
psicológico. Esta investigación pretende examinar si el capital psicológico influye en la
capacidad de innovación. Se realizó una investigación empírica basada en los datos
recogidos de 520 empleados de instituciones bancarias de Perú. Nuestros resultados
revelaron la influencia positiva y significativa del capital psicológico (PSC) sobre la
capacidad de innovación (IC). En base a sus dimensiones, se encontró que la autoeficacia
(SEF) y el optimismo (OPT) influyeron positivamente en la capacidad de innovación
radical (RAI). Asimismo, el optimismo y la esperanza (HOP) influyeron positivamente en
la capacidad de innovación incremental (INI), pero la resiliencia (RES) no influyó
positivamente ni en la innovación radical ni en la incremental. Este trabajo proporciona a
los líderes empresariales un entendimiento de los factores psicológicos considerados
necesarios para promover y mejorar la capacidad de innovación en sus empresas.
The capacity for innovation is a key component required for companies to generate added value and to expand into new markets. For this reason, it is important to find factors that improve the capacity for innovation. One such credible factor is psychological capital (PSC). This investigation aims examine the relationship between PSC and innovation capacity (IC). An empirical research, based on the data collected from 520 employees of banking institutions in Peru, was carried out to this end. Our results revealed the positive and significant relationship of PSC on IC. It was found that self-efficacy (SEF) and optimism (OPT) positively influenced the capacity for radical innovation (RAI). Likewise, optimism and hope (HOP) were found to positively influence the capacity for incremental innovation (INI) but resilience (RES) had no positive influence on either radical innovation or incremental innovation. This paper provides business leaders with an understanding of the psychological factors that are considered necessary to promote and enhance innovation capability in companies.
The capacity for innovation is a key component required for companies to generate added value and to expand into new markets. For this reason, it is important to find factors that improve the capacity for innovation. One such credible factor is psychological capital (PSC). This investigation aims examine the relationship between PSC and innovation capacity (IC). An empirical research, based on the data collected from 520 employees of banking institutions in Peru, was carried out to this end. Our results revealed the positive and significant relationship of PSC on IC. It was found that self-efficacy (SEF) and optimism (OPT) positively influenced the capacity for radical innovation (RAI). Likewise, optimism and hope (HOP) were found to positively influence the capacity for incremental innovation (INI) but resilience (RES) had no positive influence on either radical innovation or incremental innovation. This paper provides business leaders with an understanding of the psychological factors that are considered necessary to promote and enhance innovation capability in companies.
Comportamiento organizacional, Motivación del empleado, Bancos y banca--Perú, Innovaciones