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Tesis de la Escuela de Posgrado y de la Escuela de Negocios de CENTRUM Católica
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Item Emotional intelligence and ethical behaviour in mining executives, the mediating effect of trust-building(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2025-02-26) Bashi López, Edwin Augusto; Guevara Moncada, RubenExecutives in the mining industry are faced with complex ethical challenges involving the responsible management of resources, environmental impacts, and community relations. As such, it is crucial to understand and develop strategies to enhance ethical behaviour in the mining industry. However, empirical evidence on ethical behaviour among executives in this industry remains limited. This study attempts to address this research gap by analysing the mediating effect of trust-building on the relationship between emotional intelligence and ethical behaviour in mining executives. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used with a sample of 115 executives at Peru’s largest mining projects, finding that trust-building has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between emotional intelligence and ethical behaviour. Besides adding to the existing academic literature, the results will be useful to mining executives, and possibly to executives in other extractive industries, to focus their efforts in enhancing trust-building to have a larger effect on ethical behaviour in their projects. Furthermore, these results may help when managing relations with different stakeholders, defining and implementing concrete strategies to reinforce ethical behaviour among executives in the mining industry, and probably in other extractive industries, by paying more attention to enhancing emotional intelligence and boosting trust-building in their top and middle-managers and in the workplace.Item Mediation of brand reputation and image in the relationship between PCSR and brand equity and loyalty of technology companies among generation Z: The moderating role of gender(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2025-01-27) Canta Honores, Jorge Luis; Barcellos de Paula, LucianoThe objective of this research was to analyze whether the effects of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility (PCSR) on brand equity and loyalty are jointly mediated by image and reputation; Gender moderation in these relationships was also assessed. The sample (n=420) was of members of Generation Z between 18 and 28 years of age from Lima. Applying PLS- SEM, with values of R2 it was determined that the model explains 37.3% of the reputation, 32.9% of the image, 48.5% of the brand equity and 60.9% of the brand loyalty. The results show the mediating effect of reputation between PCSR on brand equity (β= 0.132, p= 0.019) and loyalty (β= 0.146, p< 0.001); also, the mediation of the image was determined, between the PCSR on brand equity (β= 0.134, p< 0.001) and loyalty (β= 0.129, p< 0.001). It was also shown that gender moderates the relationship between PCSR on loyalty (β= 0.162, p= 0.015); however, it does not moderate the relationship between PCSR and brand equity (β= 0.02, p= 0.624). As implications, a HEM model is proposed that analyzes the PCSR, brand equity and brand loyalty with the image and reputation as mediators, and their impact on the purchasing processes. Indeed, tech brand managers must focus on CSR to influence ethical consumption, promoting loyalty through repurchases and recommendations.Item Diversidad en el directorio: Innovación y reputación como mediadores del desempeño financiero de empresas multilatinas(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2025-01-24) Mendiola Contreras, Luis Enrique; Talavera López, Álvaro GustavoEsta investigación busca contribuir a la literatura sobre gobierno corporativo y su relación con la innovación, enfocándose en las empresas multilatinas durante el período 2010-2020. El estudio explora cómo ciertas características de los directorios influyen en la innovación, la reputación de la empresa y el desempeño financiero. Se presta especial atención a un concepto amplio de diversidad de los directorios, más allá de la demográfica. Para ello, se analizaron datos de empresas multilatinas cotizadas en bolsa, muchas de las cuales están controladas por grupos familiares o el Estado. Los resultados muestran que, a pesar de los cambios regulatorios en la región, la diversidad en los directorios ha experimentado escasas variaciones durante el período estudiado. La independencia de los directores y las decisiones de innovación presentan una relación positiva con el valor de la empresa. No obstante, la dualidad de funciones, es decir, cuando el CEO también preside el consejo, y la participación femenina en los directorios parecen tener un impacto negativo en el desempeño financiero de estas empresas. Metodológicamente, se ha clasificado a las empresas según su potencial de innovación desde la perspectiva de un inversor, abordando la heterogeneidad del gobierno corporativo y aplicando las teorías del comportamiento y la señalización. Este enfoque permite comprender mejor la relación entre diversidad en los directorios, innovación y reputación, elementos clave para el crecimiento y sostenibilidad de las empresas multilatinas.Item Gestión estratégica de la retención de estudios universitarios y rendimiento académico(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2025-01-24) Balarezo Paredes, Brallan; Tostes Vieira, Marta LuciaLas universidades a nivel mundial enfrentan altas tasas de deserción estudiantil y limitaciones en los recursos destinados a la gestión estratégica de la retención. Esta investigación analiza dos elementos clave para dicha gestión: las variables explicativas del rendimiento académico y la capacidad de absorción de un modelo de predicción, validado a partir del análisis explicativo del rendimiento, en el marco del proceso de toma de decisiones. El modelo de análisis propuesto por Abdullah (2020) identifica la trayectoria escolar, los factores sociodemográficos y las competencias académicas (medidas a través del examen de admisión) como factores explicativos del rendimiento en el primer año de estudios universitarios. Además, se examina la capacidad de absorción de la institución en relación con su predisposición a adoptar un modelo de predicción del rendimiento académico. El estudio se centra en evaluar la viabilidad de predecir el rendimiento académico y su potencial contribución al proceso de toma de decisiones estratégicas para la retención de estudiantes. La investigación se realizó en una universidad privada sin fines de lucro en Perú, abarcando a 15 autoridades y 6,364 estudiantes que ingresaron a carreras de ciencias y letras entre el 2018 y 2021. Los resultados revelan que la trayectoria escolar es el factor más influyente en este contexto, seguida por los puntajes de examen de admisión y factores sociodemográficos. Con un análisis específico para cada grupo, se logró predecir el rendimiento con una precisión superior al 70 %. Los resultados muestran que el modelo predictivo propuesto es confiable debido a su alta precisión y añade valor a la organización si se integra al proceso estratégico de toma de decisiones. La universidad evaluada supera los puntajes mínimos en las cuatro dimensiones de la capacidad de absorción y muestra un alto nivel de priorización en la mejora de los índices de retención, aspectos incluidos en su plan estratégico institucional. Estos hallazgos abren nuevas oportunidades para el desarrollo de planes centrados en la mejora del desempeño estudiantil.Item Empowerment and Project Performance Success: The Role of Leadership and Power Distance(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-30) Caruajulca Mego, Percy Eduardo; Khalilzadeh, MohammadThe construction of infrastructure projects for extracting natural resources is vital to the economies of countries and the strategies of mining companies; their success or failures also affect the organizations and personnel involved. Project performance success (PJPF) means achieving the planned or approved scope, cost, schedule, and quality. This research aimed to analyze if PJPF is influenced by the team’s psychological empowerment (PEMP) and structural empowerment (SEMP), the project manager’s transformational leadership (TLD) and shared leadership (SLD) styles, and the cultural power distance (CPDT). The study examined the mediating roles as well of TLD and CPDT. Throughout a post-positivist epistemology, a quantitative paradigm, and a cross-sectional design in line with other project management studies, this paper tested its hypotheses using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling in AMOS. Data were collected using the online survey platform SurveyMonkey. Owners, contractors, and consultants from twenty-four countries across the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia contributed a total of 222 responses. All participants were involved in construction projects owned by a mining company listed in the S&P 500. PEMP has a positive impact on PJPF, SEMP, and CPDT. PEMP fosters engaged and autonomous employees with agility and problem-solving skills. TLD mediates the relationship between PEMP and SLD. The results indicated that SEMP, TLD, and SLD, on their own, do not directly contribute to project success. In contrast to prior studies, CPDT does not mediate the effects of PEMP on PJPF. The findings of this study offer guidance for all construction project stakeholders to improve their project success rates.Item Dynamic Capabilities and Performance of Family Businesses in Emerging Economies(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-09-10) Rossignoli Cevallos, Gina Lorena; Guevara Sánchez, Daniel EduardoDynamic capabilities analyze the sources and methods of better performance and wealth creation and capture by firms operating in environments of rapid technological changes. Based on this, the objective of this research was to analyze the relationship between absorptive, adaptive, and innovation capabilities on financial and non-financial performance of family businesses was analyzed in the context of emerging economies, a relationship that has not been analyzed in this context. Through the application of structural equation modeling in a sample of 235 family businesses of agricultural supplies and machinery, located in the G46 and G47 categories of the International Standard Industrial Classification – ISIC, the results allowed us to identify that absorptive capability has a positive influence on financial performance, while innovation capability has a positive influence on no-financial performance. No evidence was found that other capabilities were related to the performance of the organizations analyzed. In addition, it was shown that the size of the companies does not generate any moderating effect in the relationship between these variables. This study contributes to dynamic capabilities theory by exploring how absorptive and innovative capabilities influence financial and non- financial performance in a specific and underexplored context: family businesses in emerging economies. Furthermore, the importance of developing and enhancing absorptive and innovation capabilities is highlighted. This could lead to the implementation of training programs, investment in R&D, and adoption of knowledge management practices.Item Effects of Channel Integration on the Omnichannel Customer Experience(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-15) Balbín Buckley, José Antonio Martín; Marquina Feldman, Percy SamoelDespite the importance of knowing how to offer a superior, consistent, and holistic customer experience in an omnichannel setting, studies of these variables using a multidimensional approach have been few. This paper seeks to close existing knowledge gaps regarding the relationship between channel integration in an omnichannel strategy and customers’ cognitive, affective, physical, sensorial, and relational experience. The study was conducted by surveying a random sample of 516 people in Peru from an online panel. The target selection consisted of people who have made purchases in at least two of the three defined purchase channels in the last six months from companies with an omnichannel strategy. The results show that the integration of price and product, transaction information, and order fulfilment significantly impacts the omnichannel customer’s affective and cognitive experience. Additionally, promotion integration affects the customer’s relational and sensorial experience. Commercial spaces are thus important in guaranteeing the consistency of promotions and advertising—not only rational messages, but also visual and sensorial impressions in general. The integration of service impacts the customer’s physical, relational, and affective experience, while the integration of information access shows an effect on the customer’s physical and sensorial experience.Item Co-creación de valor en un ecosistema de organizaciones culturales(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-08-14) Marticorena Robles, Ana Marbe; Tostes Vieira, Marta LuciaSegún la literatura, existe una brecha de participación en las actividades del sector cultural que amenaza la sostenibilidad de sus organizaciones. El problema ha sido ampliamente abordado en estudios de Gestión y Marketing Cultural, pero muy poco como un fenómeno inserto en un complejo ecosistema, poblado de mecanismos de gestión que promueven o restringen la co-creación de valor. Desde la perspectiva de la lógica dominante de servicio (S-D), esta investigación toma como objeto de estudio a la Red de Puntos de Cultura del Perú para examinar la forma en que se co-crea valor, a través de la observación del anclaje, engagement, alineamiento y valor en contexto de líderes de organizaciones culturales, usuarios y gestores públicos. La complejidad del problema requiere que la metodología sea mixta, lo que incluye encuestas y entrevistas a líderes y usuarios de Puntos de Cultura (PDC), y un focus-group a gestores públicos. De forma global, la estrategia es secuencial explicativa, aunque contiene una sección de diseño convergente: una primera encuesta exploratoria da pie a la recolección convergente de data cuantitativa y cualitativa, que luego permite una etapa de triangulación cualitativa. Los hallazgos cualitativos revelan: Entrevistas a usuarios: i) el fomento de identidad cultural es una institución central; ii) usuarios y PDC tienen algo grado de intercambio; iii) el valor percibido está vinculado a educación, entretenimiento y afecto. 2) Entrevistas a PDC: i) existe tensión de lógicas institucionales entre PDC y actores estatales que restringe la co-creación de valor; ii) el engagement de los líderes determina el del equipo. Los hallazgos cuantitativos en ambos modelos revelan: i) anclaje cultural destaca como antecedente de engagement del actor; ii) engagement del actor no tiene efecto directo sobre valor en contexto; iii) el alineamiento de las plataformas de interacción media la relación entre engagement del actor y valor en contexto.Item Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance in Small Manufacturing Companies: The Moderating Effect of Managerial Ambidexterity(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-24) Ortiz Regalado, Oscar; Guevara Moncada, RubénIntellectual capital is crucial for the development and sustainable success of small manufacturing enterprises in emerging economies, and it has gained considerable relevance in business management. Despite numerous studies on intellectual capital and financial performance, several questions remain unresolved, such as: What is the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance in small businesses? and What effect does managerial ambidexterity have on the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance in small businesses? These questions highlight the need to address existing knowledge gaps. This study determined the relationship of intellectual capital as a whole, as well as each of its dimensions, with the financial performance of small businesses. Additionally, it examined the moderating effect of managerial ambidexterity on the relationship between intellectual capital, both as a whole and in each of its dimensions, and the financial performance of small businesses. The research adopted a quantitative and cross- sectional approach, involving 506 owner-managers. The questionnaire used consisted of 46 questions, and the collected data were subjected to Cronbach's Alpha tests and an Exploratory Factor Analysis. Finally, the validity of the proposed model was verified through a Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling, using SPSS 27 and AMOS 24. The results indicate that intellectual capital, composed of human, structural, and relational capital, has a positive and significant relationship with financial performance. Furthermore, managerial ambidexterity was found to positively moderate this relationship, enhancing financial performance through the balance of exploitation and exploration activities. However, no significant moderating effect of ambidexterity was found on the relationship between human capital and financial performance.Item Contexto motivacional asociado a productividad científica, compromiso laboral y bienestar laboral en investigadores universitarios: análisis del rol mediador de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y de la motivación(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-18) Capelo Ayala, Delfa Humbertina; Moura Junior, James FerreiraEste estudio evalúo el rol mediador de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y los tipos de motivación en la relación entre contexto motivacional y las variables productividad de la investigación, compromiso laboral y bienestar laboral, en una población de 309 investigadores del austro ecuatoriano. Usando modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, la satisfacción de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y la motivación autónoma mediaron la relación positiva entre contexto motivacional y compromiso laboral; mientras que la frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y la motivación controlada mediaron la relación negativa entre contexto motivacional y el compromiso laboral. Estos hallazgos comprueban la coexistencia de contextos motivacionales de apoyo y de control a la autonomía de los investigadores.