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Tesis de la Escuela de Posgrado y de la Escuela de Negocios de CENTRUM Católica
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Item Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance in Small Manufacturing Companies: The Moderating Effect of Managerial Ambidexterity(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-07-24) Ortiz Regalado, Oscar; Guevara Moncada, RubénIntellectual capital is crucial for the development and sustainable success of small manufacturing enterprises in emerging economies, and it has gained considerable relevance in business management. Despite numerous studies on intellectual capital and financial performance, several questions remain unresolved, such as: What is the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance in small businesses? and What effect does managerial ambidexterity have on the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance in small businesses? These questions highlight the need to address existing knowledge gaps. This study determined the relationship of intellectual capital as a whole, as well as each of its dimensions, with the financial performance of small businesses. Additionally, it examined the moderating effect of managerial ambidexterity on the relationship between intellectual capital, both as a whole and in each of its dimensions, and the financial performance of small businesses. The research adopted a quantitative and cross- sectional approach, involving 506 owner-managers. The questionnaire used consisted of 46 questions, and the collected data were subjected to Cronbach's Alpha tests and an Exploratory Factor Analysis. Finally, the validity of the proposed model was verified through a Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling, using SPSS 27 and AMOS 24. The results indicate that intellectual capital, composed of human, structural, and relational capital, has a positive and significant relationship with financial performance. Furthermore, managerial ambidexterity was found to positively moderate this relationship, enhancing financial performance through the balance of exploitation and exploration activities. However, no significant moderating effect of ambidexterity was found on the relationship between human capital and financial performance.Item Psychological capital and turnover intention: the mediating role of burnout among healthcare professionals(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024-04-01) Zambrano Chumo, Laura María; Guevara Moncada, RubénEl propósito de esta investigación fue analizar el papel mediador del burnout en la relación entre el capital psicológico y la intención de rotación entre los profesionales de la salud. Empleando un diseño de corte transversal, los datos se recopilaron a través de una encuesta en línea distribuida a profesionales de seis hospitales. Luego de realizar la prueba piloto y el refinamiento, se obtuvieron 356 respuestas válidas, revelando una muestra predominantemente joven, educada y equilibrada en cuanto a género. La encuesta incluyó escalas de capital psicológico, burnout e intención de rotación. El modelado de ecuaciones estructurales confirmó la confiabilidad y validez de los constructos. Los resultados indicaron un alto nivel de capital psicológico, particularmente en esperanza y optimismo, junto con un bajo burnout y una intención de rotación moderada. Los análisis de correlación demostraron asociaciones negativas entre el capital psicológico y el burnout/la intención de rotación, excepto para el logro personal. El burnout mostró una correlación positiva con la intención de rotación. El análisis de mediación reveló que el capital psicológico influye indirectamente en la intención de rotación a través del burnout, destacando así el papel mediador del burnout. Los hallazgos subrayan la importancia de fomentar el capital psicológico para mitigar el burnout y reducir la intención de rotación entre los profesionales de la salud. El estudio sugiere estrategias organizativas para mejorar el capital psicológico, lo que potencialmente contribuiría a una mejor retención de la fuerza laboral y calidad de atención al paciente. Las limitaciones incluyen la dependencia de datos autoinformados y el diseño transversal. Investigaciones futuras deberían aspirar a comprender cómo interactúa la resiliencia individual con la cultura organizativa, los estilos de liderazgo y los marcos de políticas, y también explorar más a fondo qué factores podrían predecir el burnout y el capital psicológico. Además, se recomiendan estudios longitudinales para establecer la causalidad y observar la evolución del capital psicológico y su impacto en el burnout y las intenciones de rotación a través del tiempo.Item Relationship between carbon footprint and profits: the moderating role of clean energy innovation(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2023-08-04) Porles Ochoa, Francisco Daniel; Guevara Moncada, RubénClean energy innovation is critical to the decarbonization of CO2-intensive industries that rely on fossil fuels. Nonetheless, a deeper understanding of the influence of technical innovation on firms' efforts to tackle climate change and improve economic competitiveness is needed, particularly in those industrial sectors with "hard-to-abate" CO2e emissions. This quantitative longitudinal research examines the moderating effect of clean energy innovation on the link between carbon footprint and corporate profits using a global sample of 7,827 firm-year data pertaining to 167 multinational companies between 2018 and 2021. This study uses the Bayesian method, a recommended statistical framework for fitting complex growth curve models with longitudinal data, to specify a multi-indicator latent growth curve (B-LGC) model for longitudinal moderation analysis. The findings indicate that the carbon footprint has a large positive influence on corporate profits. Furthermore, the model results support the prediction that clean energy innovation positively moderates the link between value chain (Scope 3) emissions and gross profit margin when measured using renewable energy consumption. The implications of the findings suggest that executives and managers in heavily polluting companies can achieve greater competitive advantages and transition to a net-zero emissions business by developing a comprehensive understanding of Scope 3 emissions. More significantly, policymakers should pay particular attention to these companies' Scope 3 emissions in order to develop regulation and control systems that encourage clean energy innovation.