Informe jurídico sobre la casación N° 4881-2009 - Amazonas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Hoy en día son varios los casos en los que al fallecer uno de los padres, la tenencia de un
menor es discutida ya que no necesariamente el padre que aún le sobrevive puede ser el
más idóneo para continuar con su crianza. El presente informe, aborda el tema de la tenencia
por parte de los abuelos y pretende exponer y analizar una situación que en la actualidad se
presenta continuamente. Si bien es cierto la tenencia parte de un derecho derivado de la
patria potestad, qué sucede cuando nos encontramos en situaciones que ameritan una
aplicación más flexible de las normas en favor del bienestar de los niños y adolescentes.
Para ello, partimos de un análisis inicial de nuestra legislación nacional para luego pasar a
estudiar de forma sistemática los principios recogidos en los tratados internacionales y que
son de carácter vinculante. Asimismo, analizamos la casación Casación N° 4881-2009 -
Amazonas a la luz de los conceptos de la tenencia, principio de interés superior del Niño o
adolescente y derecho a la identidad.
Finalmente, con este informe pretendemos estudiar los conflictos que pueden generarse al
no encontrarse de forma precisa los supuestos en lo que, a pesar de que uno de los padres
sobreviva al hijo, muchas veces resulta más beneficioso para el menor que se otorgue su
tenencia a sus abuelos. E incluso también a familiares con los que ha desarrollado un vínculo
afectivo importante.
Nowadays, there are several cases in which when one of the parents dies, the tenure of a child is disputed since the other parent may not necessarily be the most suitable one to continue with the child's upbringing. This report approaches the issue of grandparents' tenure and aims to expose and analyze a situation that constantly occurs today. While it is true that tenure is a right derived from parental authority, what happens when we find ourselves in situations that merit a more flexible application of the national legislation in favor of the wellbeing of children and adolescents? Therefore, we begin with an initial analysis of our national legislation and continue to study the principles of binding international treaties systematically. Furthermore, we analyze the cassation in question in light of the concepts of tenure, the principle of the best interests of the child or adolescent, and the right to identity. Our final objective is to study the conflicts that may arise when the assumptions are not precisely found. Instead of one of the parents being responsible for the child, it is usually more beneficial for the child to grant custody to the grandparents. In some cases, the child may be awarded to relatives with whom the child has developed a strong emotional bond.
Nowadays, there are several cases in which when one of the parents dies, the tenure of a child is disputed since the other parent may not necessarily be the most suitable one to continue with the child's upbringing. This report approaches the issue of grandparents' tenure and aims to expose and analyze a situation that constantly occurs today. While it is true that tenure is a right derived from parental authority, what happens when we find ourselves in situations that merit a more flexible application of the national legislation in favor of the wellbeing of children and adolescents? Therefore, we begin with an initial analysis of our national legislation and continue to study the principles of binding international treaties systematically. Furthermore, we analyze the cassation in question in light of the concepts of tenure, the principle of the best interests of the child or adolescent, and the right to identity. Our final objective is to study the conflicts that may arise when the assumptions are not precisely found. Instead of one of the parents being responsible for the child, it is usually more beneficial for the child to grant custody to the grandparents. In some cases, the child may be awarded to relatives with whom the child has developed a strong emotional bond.
Recurso de casación--Jurisprudencia--Perú--Amazonas, Patria potestad--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho de familia--Jurisprudencia--Perú--Amazonas
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