Planeamiento estratégico para la Empresa Peruana Productora de Electricidad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Este plan estratégico se ha desarrollado para una empresa pública generadora de
energía eléctrica, que por razones de confidencialidad ha sido denominada Empresa Peruana
Productora de Energía (EPPE). Cuenta con 291 trabajadores y dos centros generadores, uno a
base de energía hidroeléctrica y el otro de energía térmica, lo que le permite ocupar el tercer
lugar en la producción nacional de electricidad. Ha mermado su participación de mercado, en
la medida en que no ha podido incrementar su potencia instalada al no disponer de capital
financiero. Se proyecta que al 2025 la empresa será líder, brindando seguridad y energía de
calidad, a clientes directos y a empresas distribuidoras, con responsabilidad social. Para ello
buscará alcanzar una participación de mercado del 22% en la generación eléctrica en el Perú,
utilizando únicamente fuentes de energía renovable. En una búsqueda por incrementar sus
utilidades y en un mercado donde el precio a las distribuidoras es establecido por el ente
regulador, alcanzará ventas por S/ 550 millones, con lo cual contribuirá a obtener un índice
de rentabilidad sobre el patrimonio superior al 20% en el año 2025. Para alcanzar la Visión se
han diseñado las siguientes estrategias: (a) penetrar en el mercado, ampliando la potencia
instalada, (b) penetrar en el mercado de las zonas rurales aledañas a los centros de operación,
(c) diversificarse al generar energía térmica, (d) penetrar en el mercado de venta directa al
Estado, (e) integrarse verticalmente hacia adelante con distribución, y (f) desarrollar el
mercado de clientes directos, ampliando la cobertura y los sectores que se atienden
This strategic plan has been developed for a public company generating electric power, which for reasons of confidentiality has been called Peruvian Company Production of Energy (EPPE). It has 291 employees and two generators centers, one based on hydropower and other thermal power, allowing you to take third place in the national electricity production. It has reduced its market share, to the extent that he has not been able to increase its installed capacity in the absence of financial capital. It is projected that in 2025 the company will be leader, providing energy security and quality, to direct customers and distributors, with corporate social responsibility. For it seek to achieve a market share of 22% in electricity generation in Peru, using only renewable energy sources. In a quest to increase profits in a market where the price to distributors is set by the regulator, reaching sales for S/ 550 million in order to obtain 20% of return over equity in 2025. To achieve the Vision has been designed the following strategies: (a) penetrate Peruvian market, increasing production, (b) penetrate rural areas around production sites, (c) diversify, generating thermic energy, (d) penetrate direct selling market to government, (e) vertically integrate forward with distribution, (f) develop direct customer market, increasing coverage and industries
This strategic plan has been developed for a public company generating electric power, which for reasons of confidentiality has been called Peruvian Company Production of Energy (EPPE). It has 291 employees and two generators centers, one based on hydropower and other thermal power, allowing you to take third place in the national electricity production. It has reduced its market share, to the extent that he has not been able to increase its installed capacity in the absence of financial capital. It is projected that in 2025 the company will be leader, providing energy security and quality, to direct customers and distributors, with corporate social responsibility. For it seek to achieve a market share of 22% in electricity generation in Peru, using only renewable energy sources. In a quest to increase profits in a market where the price to distributors is set by the regulator, reaching sales for S/ 550 million in order to obtain 20% of return over equity in 2025. To achieve the Vision has been designed the following strategies: (a) penetrate Peruvian market, increasing production, (b) penetrate rural areas around production sites, (c) diversify, generating thermic energy, (d) penetrate direct selling market to government, (e) vertically integrate forward with distribution, (f) develop direct customer market, increasing coverage and industries
Industria eléctrica -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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