Percepción de la relación Chile-Perú y su influencia en la identidad nacional, las representaciones estereotípicas y los prejuicios hacia el exogrupo nacional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar el efecto de la percepción de
conflicto y cooperación intergrupal entre Chile y Perú en los componentes de identidad
nacional peruana, en los prejuicios hacia exogrupos nacionales, en la disposición a
luchar contra un exogrupo y en las emociones asociadas a los eventos intergrupales, en
una muestra de 225 participantes de una universidad privada de Lima. Se aplicó una
metodología experimental formándose dos condiciones experimentales (“grupo de
cooperación” y “grupo de conflicto”) y una condición de control. El grupo de
cooperación recibió tres noticias que muestran una situación cooperativa en la relación
intergrupal entre Chile y Perú mientras que el grupo conflicto recibió otra versión de las
mismas noticias en las que se muestra una situación conflictiva entre ambos países. Los
resultados confirman que: (1) la percepción de conflicto intergrupal promueve una
mayor cohesión endogrupal y mayor identificación con el Perú; (2) el efecto de la
percepción de conflicto intergrupal genera más estereotipos negativos y prejuicios hacia
el exogrupo chileno, mientras que el efecto de cooperación intergrupal los disminuye; y
(3) la percepción de conflicto intergrupal genera emociones más negativas asociadas a
eventos intergrupales entre Perú y Chile.
Palabras claves: relaciones intergrupales, Perú-Chile, identidad nacional, estereotipos,
prejuicios y disposición a luchar.
The present study aims to determine the effect of the perception of intergroup conflict and intergroup cooperation between Chile and Peru in Peruvian national identity components, in national prejudice towards outgroups, in the willingness to fight against an outgroup and the emotions associated with intergroup events, in a sample of 225 participants from a private university in Lima. Experimental methodology was applied forming two experimental conditions ("cooperation group" and "conflict group") and a control condition. The cooperation group received three news showing a cooperative situation between Chile and Peru while the conflict group received another version of the same news which shows a conflict between these two countries. The results confirm that: (1) the perception of intergroup conflict promotes greater ingroup cohesion and greater identification with Peru, (2) the effect of the perception of intergroup conflict generates more negative stereotypes and prejudice towards the outgroup, while the intergroup cooperation effect decreases them (3) the perception of intergroup conflict generates negative emotions associated with intergroup events between Peru and Chile. Keywords: intergroup relations, Peru-Chile, national identity, stereotypes, prejudices and willingness to fight.
The present study aims to determine the effect of the perception of intergroup conflict and intergroup cooperation between Chile and Peru in Peruvian national identity components, in national prejudice towards outgroups, in the willingness to fight against an outgroup and the emotions associated with intergroup events, in a sample of 225 participants from a private university in Lima. Experimental methodology was applied forming two experimental conditions ("cooperation group" and "conflict group") and a control condition. The cooperation group received three news showing a cooperative situation between Chile and Peru while the conflict group received another version of the same news which shows a conflict between these two countries. The results confirm that: (1) the perception of intergroup conflict promotes greater ingroup cohesion and greater identification with Peru, (2) the effect of the perception of intergroup conflict generates more negative stereotypes and prejudice towards the outgroup, while the intergroup cooperation effect decreases them (3) the perception of intergroup conflict generates negative emotions associated with intergroup events between Peru and Chile. Keywords: intergroup relations, Peru-Chile, national identity, stereotypes, prejudices and willingness to fight.
Relaciones de grupo, Identidad nacional, Estereotipo (Psicología)--Investigaciones
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